In English the word midwife means 'With woman" (the person with the woman
who is in labour ). Midwives hold an
important key to positive care at the time of childbirth that will contribute
to a good start for the baby and parents. The midwife is able to do so only by
virtue of her expert knowledge. The
education of the midwife is designed to enable her to fulfill her wide and
varied role.
Definition of Midwife:
In 1992, The World Health Organization defined that -
“A midwife is a person who, having been regularly admitted to
a midwifery educational programme, duly recognized in the country in which it
is located, has successfully completed the prescribed courses or studies in
midwifery and has acquired the requisite qualifications to be registered and or
legally licensed to practice midwifery".
Midwifery is the knowledge necessary to perform the duties of midwife.
Obstetrics is
that branch of medicine, which deals with the management of pregnancy, labour
and puerperium.
Gynecology is that branch of medical science, which treats diseases of
the female genital organs.
Reproduction means process by which a fully developed offspring of its
kind is produced.
Pregnancy is a state of carrying fetus inside the uterus by a woman from
conception to birth
Gestation means pregnancy.
Gravidae is state of pregnancy irrespective of its duration.
Multipara refers to woman who has given birth more than once.
Nullipara is the woman who has not given birth before.
Primigravidae is a woman carrying first pregnancy.
Multigravidae is a woman carrying pregnancy more than once.