is as old as the history of human species. Archeological evidence of a woman
squatting in childbirth supported by another woman from behind demonstrates the
existence of midwifery in 500BC.
the bible in the old testament, genesis 35: 17 And it came to pass, when she
was in hard labor, that the midwife said to her, fear not Rachael, it is
another boy.
exodus 1:15 it is recorded that king of Egypt spoke to the Shiprah and Puah,
the two midwives, who helped Hebrew woman when they gave birth. These two
Hebrew midwives are the first midwives found in the literature.
da vinci(1452-1519): He made anatomical drawing of pregnant uterus.
(1543): He opened the full term pregnant uterus in a lower animal, extracted
the fetus and demonstrated uterus as a single chamber organ
pare ( 1510-1590): He laid the foundations of modern obstertrics. He was the first
to deliver a woman in bed instead of the birthing stool. He also sutured
pernial raceration. He founded a school for midwives in Paris, France.
bourgeois: She recommended induction of labour for pelvic contraction.
Caesar Aranzi : He advised cesarean section for contracted pelvis. He wrote the
first book for Italian midwives, which ran 17th editions.
Harvey(1578-1657): He described the fetal circulation and placenta and he was
the first to deliver the raw placental surface and initiated the study of
uterine sepsis. He was the father of British midwifery( lst english text book on midwifery), The French
king Louis-xiv(1663). Employed a Paris surgeon to attend one of his mistresses
in labour. He was honoured with the tittle " accoucheur"( a person
who assists women in child birth). He built a school of midwifery, which
attracted doctors from all over Europe.
(1668): He described the attitude of the fetus in uterus as that of one of squatting
down to pass stools and lowering his head to see what he has done. He published
a treatise on midwifery, greatest physician of the 17th century.
Semellie (1697-1763): He explained labour to be a mechanical process and
described pelvimetry. Cephalometry and forceps deliverv of the after coming
head of a breech a lock for the
obstetric forceps.
(1675): Described obstetric forceps.
the end of the sixteenth century, midwifery was practiced entirely by women.
Men could be severely punished for attending women in childbirth.
the seventeenth century male midwives began to take up midwifery.
the middle of the eighteenth century the number of male midwives had increased,
though there was great opposition and competition from the midwives and from
the general public.
Nightingale in 1862, organized a small training school in connection with Kings
college Hospital, where she conducted training for midwives.
the last 25 years of the nineteenth century, several hospitals began to train
midwives and to issue certificates.
1902 Midwives Act in United Kingdom entitled an act to secure better and
supervision of midwives.
Madras Registration of Nurses and Midwives Act.
medical missionary women from England ( Ms. Ethel Bleakly& Ms. Edith
-Christian Medical College & Hospital was started at Vellore by Dr. Ida
Fund — 1875 — Ms.Bielby -- Dispensary and small hospital at Lucknow.
Dufferin — 1883—Maternity hospital & 1918- Lady Reading Health School.
Bhore Committee: It reports lack of skilled services by qualified midwives
plays an important part in the prevailing high rates of maternal morbidity and
of infantile deaths in the first month after birth.
Shetty Committee: Recommended training and posting ANMs in health centres for
maternal and child health services provided there were adequate health visitors
to supervise them.
Indian Nursing Council
Singh Committee: 1975- Multi purpose health worker Scheme, the two year ANIM
course was shortened by 6 months and a broad curriculum was designed providing
a wide range of experiences in community health.