Female pelvis is known as
Gynaecoid is regarded as the true female pelvis because its characteristics
give rise to no difficulties in child birth, providing the fetus is of normal
Allow the movement of the
Permits to sit and kneel
Adapted for child bearing
Transmits the weight of the trunk to the legs
Provides protection to the pelvic organs
The sacrum distributes the
nerves to the various parts of the pelvis
Pelvic is made up of four
pelvis bones:
2 innominate bones
1 coccyx
Innominate bones: composed
of three parts:
Pubic bone
The Ilium :
Large flared out part
Upper border: iliac
crest on which hands rest when placed on hip
At the front of iliac
crest can be felt a bony prominence known as anterior superior iliac spine
Short distance below
it is anterior inferior iliac spine
Similar points at the
other end of the iliac crest: posterior superior and posterior inferior iliac
The concave anterior surface
of the ilium is iliac fossa.
The ischium:
It is the thick lower part
It has large prominence
known as ischial tuberosity on which body rests while sitting.
Behind and little above
tuberosity is an inward projection called ischial spine. In labor the station
of the fetal head is estimated in relation to the ischial spine.
Pubic bone:
forms the anterior part
it has a body and 2 oar projections : superior and inferior ramus
The 2 pubic bones meet at
the symphysis pubis
The 2 inferior rami form the
pubic arch
Space enclosed by the body of pubic bone, the rami and the
ischium is called obturator foramen.
The innominate bones contain
a deep cup to receive the head of femur called as acetabulum. (all three part
of the bone contribute to the acetabulum, ie, 2/5th of ilium, 2/5th of ischium, 1 /5th of pubic bone)
Lower border of innominate
bones : 2 curves are found
One extends from the posterior inferior iliac
spine to the ischial spine, is called greater sciatic notch. It is wide
and rounded.
The other lies between the ischial spine and
the ischial tuberosity : lesser sciatic notch
Wedge shaped bone consisting of five fused
Upper border of the first
sacral vertebrae juts forward and is known as sacral promontory
Anterior surface of the
sacrum is concave and is called as hollow of sacrum
Laterally sacrum extends
into a wing or ala
4 pairs of holes or foramina
pierce the sacrum and the through these nerves from the cauda equina emerge to
supply the pelvic organs
Posterior surface is roughened to receive
attachments of muscles
The coccyx is a vestigial
Consists of 4 fused
vertebrae and forms a triangular bone
Deflects backward
during the process of child birth
Pelvic Joints:-
1 symphysis pubis
2 sacroiliac joints
1 sacro coccygeal joint
Pelvic ligaments:-
Inter-pubic ligaments at the
symphysis pubis
Sacroiliac ligaments
Sacro coccygeal ligaments
Sacrotuberous ligament
Sacrospinous ligament
The pelvis is anatomically
divided in to a false pelvis and true pelvis.
True pelvis- It is a bony canal through
which the fetus must pass during birth. It has a brim, cavity and a outlet.
Falsc pelvis - the false pelvis is
formed by the iliac portions of the innominate bones and is limited above by
the iliac crests. Its only obstetric function is to support the enlarged uterus
during pregnancy. Its boundaries are: posteriorly - lumbar vertebrae,
laterally-iliac fossa and anteriorly - anterior abdominal wall.
Shape is round
Pelvis tilts forward in the
erect posture
Plane of the inlet makes an
angle of 55 degree.
High inclination has got
obstetrical significances
Sacral angle is more than 90
Axis is downwards and
Landmarks of the pelvic
Sacral promontory
Sacral ala / wing
Sacroiliac joint
Ilio pectinal line
Ilio pubic eminence
Pectineal line
Pubic tubercle
Pubic crest
Symphysis pubis
Cavity: extends from the brim above
to the outlet below.
Anterior wall is formed by
pubic bones and symphysis pubis and its depth is 4 cms
Posterior wall is formed by
the curve of the sacrum and is 12 cms in length
Because of such a difference
it forms a curved canal
Shape: It is almost round.
Pelvic outlet: 2 types- anatomical and
Anatomical: it is formed by
the lower borders of each of the bones together with the sacro tuberous
Obstetrical outlet: includes the narrow pelvic
strait through which thc fetus must pass.