Computed Tomography
Meaning: Computed
tomography combines the technologies of radiologic imaging and computer
analysis to provide detailed images of thin cross sections of brain.
It uses an x-ray beam to take cross sectional pictures
of brain. The computer then calculates the x-ray penetration of each tissue,
creating a three dimensional view.
Head trauma
Cerebrovascular disturbances
Identification of space occupying lesions
Intracranial tumors
Brain abscesses
Intracranial hemorrhage
Abnormal brain development
reaction following the use of contrast dye
X-ray films
X-ray machine
Contrast dye
Preparation of the patient
Explain the procedure to the patient
Remove all metal objects from the patient
Keep nil per oral for four hours before
the procedure
Ask whether patient is allergic to iodine
dyes, fish or shell fish
Explain the that he has to lie down still
and he will hear a clicking sound as the machine moves around his head
Explain the purpose of intravenous line if
contrast dye is used
Monitor the patient for allergic reactions —
tachycardia, increased respirations, flushing, urticaria and vomiting.
Post procedure care
Observe the
patient for any allergic reactions as mentioned above.
Encourage the
patient to drink fluids as the contrast dye causes rapid dieresis.
Monitor the patient with known history of cardiac
diseases for signs and symptoms of fluid overload. Because the dye is hypertonic and it may cause