This is the most commonly practiced form of
An attempt is made to bring the patient to an
emotional equilibrium as rapidly as possible, with amelioration of symptoms, so
that the patient can function again at his normal level
There is no intent to change the personality
In this, the therapist helps the patient to
relieve emotional distress and symptoms without probing in to the past and
changing the personality
The techniques used are:
A. Guidance:
It includes a number of procedures that provide active help
in the form of fact finding and interpretation
B. Tension control:
Methods used are progressive relaxation, skin galvanometry,
hypnosis , meditation etc
C. Milieu therapy (environmental adjustment
sociotherapy ):
An attempt is made to identify and eliminate provocative
environmental irritants, whether at the place of vocation, or at home, or
elsewhere, to the extent possible All settings attempted to apply principles of
milieu therapy
D. Occupational therapy:
The objectives of OT include improvement in work,
socialization, activities of daily living, prevocational guidance, work
adjustments, self care and other services
E. Creative art therapies:
This includes art therapy, music therapy, drama therapy,
dance therapy etc.
F. Ventilation
It is a free expression of feelings or emotions
Patient is encouraged to talk freely whatever comes to his
G. Persuasion
Here the therapist attempts to modify the patients behavior
by reasoning
H. Psycho education
Education to the patient regarding his problems, ways of
coping etc
I. Reassurance
It is used to dispel apprehension and restore confidence and
to promote hope
J. Explanation
The explanation of the nature of symptoms and their causes
The choice of treatment and the likely outcome are explained
to the patient
Initial Phase:
Relationship formation
Working Phase:
Intense therapeutic activity
Application of therapeutic techniques
Termination Phase:
It is intended to strengthen the patients improvement and to
prepare him to end his treatment