1) Nursing
health history
2) Physical
Purposes of health
To plan strategies, to
encourage continuation of healthy pattern, to prevent potential health problems
& alleviate or manage existing health problems.
To get holistic view of
the client
To evaluate the
physiologic outcomes/progress
Identify and confirm
nursing diagnosis
To help, formulate a
conclusion or problem statement.
to establish a database
physical, psychosocial,
and emotional health in order to identify health promoting behaviours as well
as actual and/or potential health problems
To get a clear picture of
the clients health status and health related problems.
Ascertain the client’s
level of health and physiological function
Identify factors placing
the client at risk and to determine areas of preventive nursing
Confirm alterations,
disease, or inability to perform the activities of daily living
Identify the need for
additional testing or examination
Evaluate the outcomes of
treatment and therapy
determines the client’s
functional abilities and the absence or presence of dysfunction
The client’s normal
routine for activities of daily living and lifestyle patterns
Identification of the client’s strengths
complete picture of the
client’s physiological functioning
Database to direct
decision making.
Provides an opportunity
for the nurse to form a therapeutic interpersonal relationship with the client
the client is provided an
opportunity to discuss health care concerns and goals with the nurse
ü Collection
and analysis of data that are used in formulating nursing diagnoses
ü Identifying
outcomes and planning care, and developing nursing interventions
The health assessment is conducted in a systematic and
efficient manner that results in the fewest position changes for the client.
Elements of the
assessment process
Data collection
Data verification
Data organization
Data interpretation
Data documentation
Types of health
ü Initial
ü Problem
focused assessment
ü Emergency
ü Time
lapsed assessment
ü Ongoing
includes a complete health history to determine needs of the client, include
assessment of physical and psychosocial aspects of the client’s health, the
client’s perception of health, the presence of health risk factors, the
client’s coping patterns.
focus on a particular need or health care problem or potential health care
Assessments are not as detailed as comprehensive
assessments for purposes of screening for specific problems or risk
assessment- is an assessment that includes
systematic monitoring and observation related to specific problems allows the
nurse to broaden the database or to confirm the validity of the data obtained during
the initial assessment. Systematic
monitoring and observations allow the nurse to determine the response to
nursing interventions to identify any emerging problems.
An emergency
Assessment: Is a type of rapid focused assessment
conducted to determine potentially fatal situation.
work for health assessment
1. Functional
health frame work;evaluates the effects of
mind, body & environment in relation to a person’s ability to perform the
task of daily living.
2. Head to toe
frame work; - is system for collecting data in an
organized manner starting from the head and proceeding systematically downwards
to the toe. This is also known as cephalocaudal framework
3. Body system
frame work: - focuses on the patho- physiology
involved within the specific body system. Also known as system wise frame work.
Types of Data
Subjective data–
Data from the client’s
point of view and include feelings, perceptions and concerns. (Also referred to
as symptoms)
Obtained through
interviews with the client.
They are called
subjective because they rely on the feelings or opinions of the person
experiencing them and cannot be readily observed by another.
Objective data
Observable and measurable
(quantitative) data that are obtained through observation, standard assessment
techniques performed during the physical examination, and laboratory and
diagnostic testing.
These data (also called
Can be seen, heard, or
felt by someone other than the person experiencing them.
Comprehensive and
Family/significant other
Other health care
Medical records
conferences, rounds, and
Results of diagnostic
Relevant literature
Methods of Data
o Observation
o Interview
o Health
o Symptom
o Physical
o Laboratory
and diagnostic data.
Health History
The health history is a
review of the client’s functional health pattern
Responses to changes in
health status, and alterations in lifestyle.
The health history is
also used in developing the plan of care and formulating nursing interventions
General Survey
Health assessment begins with a general survey that
involves Observation- client’s general appearance, body build, hygiene and
Mental status
Measurements of vital signs, height and weight
1. Appearance and
mental status
Appearance and behaviour must be assessed in relation
to culture, educational level, socioeconomic status, and current circumstances.
E.g. - loss of loved one in recent past may appear depressed.
Normal finding
Deviation from normal
Observe body build, height & weight
Proportionate varies with life style
Excessively thin /obese
Observe the clients posture & gait, standing,
sitting & walking
Relaxed, erect posture, coordinated movements
Tense. Slouched, bent posture, uncoordinated
Overall hygiene & grooming
Clean, neat
Dirty and unkept
Body & breath odor in relation to activity level
No body odor / minor body odor r/t work / exercise,
no breath odor
Foul body odor, ammonia, acetone breath odor,&
foul breath
Observe for signs of distress in posture &
facial expression
No distress
Bending over because of abdominal pain, wincing or labored breathing
Note obvious signs of health / illness e.g skin
color or breathing
Healthy appearance
Pallor, weakness obvious illness
Assess the clients attitude
Negative, hostile/ withdrawn
Note the clients affect, mood & response
Appropriate to situation
inappropriate to situation
Listen for quantity of speech –quality,
inflection & coherence
Understandable, moderate pace, exhibits thought
Rapid / slow pace, uses generalization, lacks
2. Vital signs:
are measure to establish base line data against which to compare future
measurements. To detect actual & potential health problems
3. Height&
weight: the measure of height and weight provides
general measure of health & also provides idea of self-image
I. Components
of nursing health history:
a) Introduction:
b) Patient’s
Hospital No:
Age: Years
Gender: Male / Female
Religion: Hindu/ Muslim/ Christian/ Sikh / Any other
Marital status: Married/ Single/ Widow
Date and time of admission:
Ward/Bed No:
Diagnosis: Medical/Surgical
Date of surgery (if any):
c) Chief
complaints with duration (on the day of admission
X duration):
Eg. Headache x
2 days
fever x 5 days
d) History of
Present Illness: presenting signs and symptoms/ onset/ duration/ progress/
aggravating and relieving factors/ treatment taken
of present illness:-
When the symptoms started
Whether the onset of symptoms was sudden or gradual
How often the problem occurs
Exact location of the distress
Character of the complaint (e.g. intensity of pain or
quality of sputum, emesis or discharge)
Activity in which the client was involved when the
problem occurred
Phenomena or symptom associated with the chief
Factors that aggravate or alleviate the problem
History of past
Childhood illnesses – such as chickenpox, mumps,
measles, rubella rheumatic fever etc
Allergies to drugs, animals, insects or other
environmental agents
Accidents and injuries: how, when, and where the
incident occurred, type of injury, treatment received and any complications
Hospitalization for serious illnesses – date, type of
surgery performed, course of recovery, and any complications.
Medications: all currently used prescriptions
f) Family history
(3 generation genogram with key):
Type: Joint/ nuclear
Number of members:
Any illness: TB/ DM/ HT/Hereditary illness/ any other
Genogram (Family tree) - representing ages of
siblings, current state of health, diseased death, cause of death,
health risk factors like DM, CVS disorders,
cancers, alcoholism, mental disorders
g) Socio-economic
i) Social aspect:
Who makes decision on health matters
Support system
Neighborhood relationship
Involvement in social activities, if applicable
ii) Economic
Family income/
Type of house and ventilation
Toilet facility
Water source
h) Nearest health
care facilities: PHC / clinics/ hospitals/ others
i) Personal history:
Immunization history:
Dietary history: Vegetarian / Non vegetarian
No. of meals /
Food preference:
Fluid Intake:___________glasses/day Beverages: __________glasses/day
hygiene: Oral hygiene: Frequency
Bath: Frequency
and rest:
Hours at night
Uninterrupted /
Drugs used for
Day time naps:
________ hours/ day
rest patterns:- sleep& wake times, difficulties in sleeping, remedies used
in difficulties.
Restrictions in Activities of daily living
activities of daily living
and exercise:
Daily walking
/any other
Nature of
work: Sedentary/
Mild/ Moderate/ Heavy
use: Tobacco/ Alcohol/ Drugs/Any other
frequency, and duration of substance use (alcohol, coffee, tobacco, cola, tea,
illicit recreational drugs etc.
Bowel: Frequency
Regular/ Irregular/ Constipation
Frequency at night / Day
Marital /Sexual history:
or Widow/ Widower
or Unmarried Mother
general health; Good/Fair/ Bad
job status: Working/ Not working
together: Yes / No
with spouse: satisfactory/ unsatisfactory
Menstrual history: Age at menarche/ duration
and frequency / any irregularities
at menopause/ post-menopausal problem, if any specify
Anything Specific
II. Physical Assessment
A physical health assessment is conducted to assess the function and integrity of the clients’ body part.
A physical health assessment is conducted to assess the function and integrity of the clients’ body part.
A test of the body to find out its state of health,
using any or all of the means of testing. The physical examination, medical
history, and first laboratory tests are the basis on which a diagnosis is made
and on which treatment is decided.
for physical examination
the Client-explanation of the physical examination
Reassure during the
examination by explanations at each step
The nurse should explain
when and where the examination will take place, why it is important, and what
will happen.
Information gathered and
documented during the assessment is kept confidential
Assist the client to
undress and put on a gown
Clients should empty
their bladders before the examination
of environment
The time for the physical
assessment should be convenient to both the client and the nurse
The environment needs to
be well lighted
The equipment should be
organized for efficient use
The room should be warm
Infection control
Use Additional personal
protective equipment's
Isolation gown, Eye
Hand hygiene
The room needs to be
quiet, warm, without drafts, and adequately lit.
Ensure privacy
Area to be assessed is exposed and other body areas
are covered.
Drapes provide not only a degree of privacy but also
Drapes are made of paper, cloth, or bed linen.
Instruments used
in physical examination
Aromatic substances (vanilla, coffee) - Test first
cranial nerve (olfactory)
Flashlight or penlight - assist viewing of the pharynx
and cervix or to determine the reactions of the pupils of the eye
Nasal speculum - permit visualization of the lower and
middle turbinates;
Ophthalmoscope A lighted instrument to visualize the
interior of the eye
Otoscope- A lighted instrument to visualize the
eardrum and external auditory
Percussion (reflex) hammer- An instrument with a
rubber head to test reflexes
Tuning fork - A two-pronged metal instrument used to
test hearing acuity and vibratory sense
Vaginal speculum- assess the cervix and the vagina
Cotton applicators - To obtain specimens
Lubricant -To ease insertion of instruments (e.g.,
vaginal speculum)
Tongue blades (depressors) to depress the tongue during
assessment of the mouth
Laryngeal mirror
Disposable pads
BP apparatus
– all equipment’s required for the health assessment should be clean, and in
good working condition and readily accessible.
Positioning for a
Physical Examination
Areas assessed
Dorsal recumbent position
Back lying position with knees flexed hips
externally rotated
Head & neck, axillae, anterior thorax, lungs,
breast, heart, extremities, peripheral pulses, vital signs, & vagina
Supine (horizontal position)
Back lying position with legs extended with /
without pillow under the head
Head & neck, axillae, anterior thorax, lungs,
breast, heart, extremities, peripheral pulses
Prone position
Lies on abdomen with head turned to the side, with
or without a small pillow
Posterior thorax, hip joint movement
Sim’s position
Side lying position with lowermost arm behind the
body, uppermost leg flexed at hip& knee, upper arm flexed at shoulder and
Rectum & vagina
Sitting position
A seated position back unsupported & legs
hanging freely
Head, neck, posterior and anterior thorax, lungs,
heart, vital signs upper and lower extremities etc.
Lithotomy position
Back lying position with feet supported in stirrups:
the hips should be in line with the edge of the table.
Female genitals, rectum, & female reproductive