General survey
Observationof the
client's general appearance, walking gait
Measurementof vital
signs, height, and weight
Client’s body build,
Hygiene, and mental
Mental status and
Observe client's posture and
gait, standing, sitting, and walking.
Client’s overall hygiene
and grooming
Note body and breath odor
Observe for signs of
distress in posture
Assess the
appropriateness of the client's responses.
Vital Signs
To establish baseline data against
To establish baseline data against
compare future measurements and to detect actual and potential health problems
Height and weight
of the integumentary system
The integument involves the skin, hair and nails.
Assessment of skin involves inspection and palpation.
Olfactory sense to detect unusual skin odour.
The examiner should ask how long the area has been present, whether it itches,
and whether it appeared abruptly or seemed to start in a specific area and
spread. Patient input as to possible causative factors of any rashes should be
The patient should be questioned as to any history of unusual bruising or
bleeding which could indicate a problem with clotting disorders. Bleeding from
moles should be also be noted as this could indicate cancer of the skin.
The patient should be asked if there has been any changes in the size or shape
of existing nevi or moles.
Problems with dry skin or excessive sweating may indicate endocrine disorders
such as hypothyroidism.
sweating at night may be indicative of tuberculosis.
Pungent body odor is frequently due to poor hygiene,
Hyperhydrosis (excessive perspiration)
Bromhydrosis: foul smelling perspiration
Previously Diagnosed Skin Diseases: It is important to
assess previously diagnosed skin disorders such as psoriasis or eczema to
provide baseline information
Physical assessment of the skin begins with a general
inspection followed by a detailed examination. When preparing to assess the
skin, wear gloves if the patient has any lesions, complains of itching skin, or
if the mucous membranes are to be examined.
Note the colour of the skin first. Depending upon the person’s race the skin
should be flesh-toned appropriate for the person.
Pallor- inadequate circulating blood or Hb. Most
readily seen in conjunctiva, buccal mucus membrane, nail beds, palms of the
hand and soles of the feet.
Cyanosis: Bluish
tinge, most evident in nail beds, lips, Buccal mucosa.
yellowish tinge first evident in sclera and then mucus membranes and skin
posterior part of the hard palate is specific to jaundice
posterior part of the hard palate is specific to jaundice
redness associates with rashes
Localised areas of increased pigmentatione.g. Birth mark
Hypopigmentation: Localized areas of decreased pigmentation eg.vitiligo due to destruction of melanocytes,
Albinism complete or partial loss of melanin in hair,skin, eyes
Hypopigmentation: Localized areas of decreased pigmentation eg.vitiligo due to destruction of melanocytes,
Albinism complete or partial loss of melanin in hair,skin, eyes
Edema: Presence
of excess interstitial fluid- appears swollen, shiny and taut. Generalized
edema is usually due to impaired venous circulation.
hydration of skin and mucus membrane reveals body fluid imbalances. Dry skin can be caused by irritating soap,
excessive bathing, or hypothyroidism; dry skin is normally found in elderly
refers to character of the surface of skin
Use the back of the hand to assess skin temperature for coolness or warmth.
to elasticity of skin. When pinched between the thumb and index finger for a
few seconds, normally hydrated, taut skin will snap back into place when
released. Dehydrated skin or the skin of the elderly patient will form a small
tent shape before gradually assuming its normal position.
Note any unusual body odor and breath odor.
Assess for cause, location, appearance (colour and size), and degree of
Note location, size, depth, and presence of tenderness.
Lightly palpate any lesions to detect tenderness, firmness, and depth. Measure
length, width, and depth
Note location, colour, shape, and size. Assess with the following four warning
signs (ABCD) that might indicate the presence of skin cancer:
1. Asymmetrical edges. 2. Skin cancers have irregular
borders while non-cancerous growths have smooth, even borders. 3. Refers to colour.
Note if the nevus has various coloured areas instead of being one colour. 4.
Stands for diameter. Generally, nevi under one-half centimetre in diameter are
not cancerous. However, nevi that are larger than this can indicate skin
Primary lesions
Primary lesions are those originally produced by
trauma or other stimulation
A flat, small (1 centimetre or less) lesion with colour change.
Flat moles, measles, petechiae and freckles are the examples of macule.
Macule that is more than in (1 cm) in diameter is called a patch; it has an
irregular in shape.
Papule: An elevated, sharply circumscribed, small (1 centimetre), colour lesion. May be pink, red, or any variation. Seen in ringworm and psoriasis
Tumours are larger than 2cm with irregular border
Papule: An elevated, sharply circumscribed, small (1 centimetre), colour lesion. May be pink, red, or any variation. Seen in ringworm and psoriasis
Tumours are larger than 2cm with irregular border
Nodule: elevated solid hard mass that extend deeper
in to the dermis than a papule. Circumscribed, 0.5 to 2 cm.
1 cm or larger, elevated, encapsulated fluid filled or semisolid mass arising out
of S/C tissue or dermis
A patch of closely grouped papules more than in (1 cm) across. Lesions are
rough in texture and colour brown, red, or pink. The size is larger
than 1 cm. Rubeola and psoriasis are examples
Vesicle or blister: A bulging, small (under 1 centimetre), sharply defined lesion filled with clear, free fluid. Seen as groups in herpes simplex, varicella, and herpes zoster.
Bullae: Large (over 1 centimetre) vesicles. Seen on soles and palms in scarlet fever and in sunburn
Vesicle or blister: A bulging, small (under 1 centimetre), sharply defined lesion filled with clear, free fluid. Seen as groups in herpes simplex, varicella, and herpes zoster.
Bullae: Large (over 1 centimetre) vesicles. Seen on soles and palms in scarlet fever and in sunburn
An elevated, sharply circumscribed lesion (less than 1 centimetre) filled with
pus. Seen in impetigo, acne, and staphylococcus infections.
Wheal: An elevated, white to pink edematous lesion that is unstable and associated with Pruritus. Usually cause by an allergic reaction, insect bites or reaction from drugs. Hives, urticaria and mosquito bites are examples.
Wheal: An elevated, white to pink edematous lesion that is unstable and associated with Pruritus. Usually cause by an allergic reaction, insect bites or reaction from drugs. Hives, urticaria and mosquito bites are examples.
Petechiae: Tiny,
reddish purple, sharply circumscribed spots of haemorrhage in the superficial
layers of the skin or epidermis. Petechiae may indicate severe systemic disease
e.g.Meningococcemia, bacterial endocarditis, or non-thrombocytopenic purpura.
Secondary lesions:result
from some alteration, usually traumatic, to the primary lesion.
Atrophy: translucent, dry skin surface due to wasting
or loss of collagen and elastin
Scales: Dried fragments of sloughed dead epidermis. Colour may be whitegrey or silver
Scales: Dried fragments of sloughed dead epidermis. Colour may be whitegrey or silver
Excoriation: Mechanical
removal of the epidermis leaving dermis exposed. Scratch or scrape of original
lesion. Linear erosion induced by scratching.
wearing away of the superficial epidermis causing a moist, shallow depression. E.g.
StevenJohnson syndrome.
Destruction and loss of epidermis, dermis, and possibly subcutaneous layers.
Fissure: A vertical, linear crack through the epidermis and dermis.
Fissure: A vertical, linear crack through the epidermis and dermis.
Scar: Formation
of dense connective tissue resulting from destruction of skin.
Lichenification: Pronounced
thickening of the epidermis and dermis from chronic scratching or rubbing. e.
g. chronic dermatitis.
Keloid: Elevated irregular, darkened area of excess scar tissue caused by excessive collagen formation during healing
Keloid: Elevated irregular, darkened area of excess scar tissue caused by excessive collagen formation during healing
Inspect nail bed for colour, length, symmetry,
Assess thickness and shape of nail. Assess Angle
between nail and nail bed
To assess
capillary refill:blanch test -press down on one of
the patient’s nails until it pales. Release the nail and observe for the pink colour
to return. The normal colour should return in less than 3 seconds. Capillary
refill can be affected by room and body temperature, vasoconstriction from
smoking, or peripheral edema.
Finger clubbing:
a sign of chronic tissue hypoxia, occurs when the angle between the fingernails
and where the nails enters the skin increase. Normal concave nail bases will
create a small, diamond-shaped space when the nails of the index fingers of
each hand are placed together. Clubbed fingers are convex at the bases and will
touch without leaving a space.
Spoon shaped nails (koilonychias) - iron deficiency anemia
Texture –
normally smooth
Excessively thick nails- elderly, poor circulation,
chronic fungal infection.
Excessively thin nails/ presence of grooves or
furrows- may reflect iron deficiency anemia.
inflammation of tissues surrounding the nail.
are horizontal depressions in the nail that can result frominjury or severe
haemorrhages- red or brown linear streaks in nail
bed - seen in trauma, endocarditis
Assessing clients’ hair includes inspecting the hair,
considering developmental changes and ethnicity differences and determining
individual hair care practices & the factors influencing them
Determine any recent colour changes (to include the use of dyes or other
chemicals), texture, abnormal loss or growth distribution, lesions of scalp,
and baldness. Assess hair for growth distribution, texture, and infestation
with lice.
Severe protein deficiency (kwashiorkor) - the hair colour
is faded appears reddish or bleached, and the texture is coarse and dry.
Alopecia (hair
loss) -hypothyroidism can cause very thin and
brittle hair.
– hair growth on upper lip, chin, cheeks- due to endocrine disorders
Poor nutrition cause dull, dry, thin hair
Dandruff or psoriasis cause dryness of scalp
Excessive oily hair- in androgen hormone stimulation
Document in the
Inspect the evenness of hair growth
Evenly distributed
Patches of hair loss
Inspect hair thickness/ thinness
Thick hair
Very thin hair( hypothyroidism)
Observe texture & oiliness
Silky, resilient hair
Brittle, excessively oily/ dry
Presence of infection/infestation
No infection
Flaky, sore, lice nits
Inspect amount of body hair
Hirsutism (abnormal hairiness in women)