Advanced and highly specialized care provided to medical or surgical patients whose conditions are life threatening and require comprehensive care and constant monitoring, usually administered in specially equipped units of a healthcare facility
Critical care unit
Critical care unit is defined as the unit in which comprehensive care of a critically ill patient who is deemed recoverable is carried out.
Nursing assessment- History and physical assessment
Chief complaint
What PATIENT says problem is & Not necessarily what you see A M P L E history collection
A = Allergies
M = Medications
P = Past medical history
L= Last oral intake
E = Events leading up to incident
Physical examination
Neurological assessment
- LOC - Glasgow Coma Scale
- Pupillary reaction and reflexes
- Cranial nerve assessment
- Motor function
- Sensory function
- Reflexes
- Brain stem function
CVS assessment
- HR
- Pulses
- Heart sound
- Cyanosis
- Heat /cold extremities
- Edema
Respiratory assessment
- Respirations
- Breath sound
- Adventitious sounds
- artificial airway
- Oxygenation/ ventilation
- Chest drainage
- Chest radiographs
Gastro intestinal assessment
- Bowel sound
- Abdomen
- Bowel elimination
- Nasogastric tube
- Drains
- Incisions and stomas
Genitourinary assessment
- Fluid status
- Bladder
- Urine
- Genitals