Therapeutic impasses/ Obstacles
1. Resistance- is the
patient's reluctance or avoidance of verbalizing or experiencing troubling
aspects of oneself. Resistance is often caused by the patient's unwillingness
to change when the need for change is recognized. It usually occurs in working
Signs of resistance
According to Wolfberg:
Not revealing relevant information
Increase in symptoms
Breaking appointments
Reporting physical symptoms only at the time of
Management of resistance
Use reflection to make patient feel and
understand resistance.
Explore possible reason and try to resolve
Ask for guidance from supervisor in dealing with
difficult resistance.
2. Transference: In
this the patient unconsciously attributes a feeling and behavioural
predispositions towards the nurse which he had towards a person from past
Signs of transference
Verbal expression by the patient on similarity
between nurse and a significant person in patient's life.
Over dependence
Overwhelming affection.
Interventions for transference
Need not terminate the relationship
Sort out present from past
Help in reassigning new role.
Assign correct meaning to the relationship
Avoid overdependence
Involve other staff in the care of patient.
3. Counter transference: Nurse's
behavioural and emotional responses to the client which is inappropriate to
therapeutic relationship.
Signs of Countertransference
Over identification of patient with someone from
past experiences or one's own past.
Encourages dependency
Personal or social relationship with the patient
Sexual or aggressive fantasies towards the
patent Push or force the patient for
early recovery
Angry when patient is not willing to change
Interventions for
Other staff members should identify and
recognize this phenomena
Assisting to overcome
Evaluate and provide feedback during team
Be open and clear in communications
4. Boundary violation:
Going outside the boundaries of therapeutic relationship and engaging in
social, economic or personal relationship with the patient.
Types of boundary violation
Gift giving
Friendship or romantic association
Do limit setting
Maintain professional integrity
Follow the code of conduct
Help other staff members by identifying boundary
violation at early stage.
Intervention to overcome
therapeutic impasses
Aware about impasses and its signs
Reflect on feeling
Identify impasses at an early stage
Be open and genuine in interactions Limit setting
Taking help from supervisors.