Scope, and roles of Mental Health Nursing
The scope of psychiatric nursing
practice is described according to levels of practice, role of the nurse and
the work setting. There are 2 levels of practices- basic and advanced. The
different areas where the Psychiatric Nursing can be implemented are
l. Psychiatric Hospitals
2.General Hospitals
3.Community Health Centers
4.Maternity Hospitals
5.Paediatric Unit
6.Counseling Centers
7.Crisis intervention centers
8.Rehabilitation Centers
9.Old Age Homes
10.Special Schools
I l . Health Education Programmes
12.Family therapy Units
13.De-addiction Centers
14.Teaching institutions
15.Suicide prevention team
16.Child Guidance Clinic
17.Halfway homes
Surrogate - role of nurturing, authority
figure, parent as part of therapy with adult children.
Resource person – facilitates the patient
and families in gathering the authentic knowledge.
Teacher - health teaching regarding bio-psychosocial
health and development needs, mental disorder, coping skills, medicine,
nutrition, stress reduction.
Social agent - social agencies, network
Client advocate - promote health, remove social stigma, and
increase access to mental health
care services.
Researcher - identifies and participates in research
activities that promote quality care.
Administrator- collaborates with other
top management, nurse manager, determine policies and procedures, resource
Case manager - use this strategy to collaborate with the
client, family members and mental health care professional to co-ordinate a
comprehensive continuous plan of care and effective treatment.
· Counselor
- one-to-one basis (nurse-client communication),
focus is on problem solving, providing emotional support and reality
orientation and increasing social and problem solving skills and social
Forensic psychiatric nurse -
the forensic psychiatric nurse works
with individuals who have mental health needs and who have entered the legal
system. Nurses in this role perform physical and psychiatric assessment and
develop plans of care for the patients entrusted to their care.