Emergency nursing concept, scope, vision, mission, team, principles of its management


Emergency nursing
·        Emergency nursing is a nursing specialty in which nurses care for patients in emergency or critical phase of  their illness or injury
·        While this is common to many nursing specialties , the key difference is that an emergency nurse is skilled to dealing with the people in the phase when a diagnosis has not known. Patients that present to the emergency department may range from birth to geriatric.
·        The term emergency is used for those patients who require immediate action to prevent further decorations or stabilising the condition till the availability of the services close to the patients .
·        The nurse as a team member plays significant role in the early assessment, intervention either in the form of care or transferring the patient safely to the health services
Scope of emergency nursing:
·        Emergency nurse must be ready to treat a wide variety of illnesses or injury situations, ranging from a sore throat to a heart attack
·        To provide quality patient care for people of all ages, emergency nurses must possess both general and specific care to provide quality patient care
·        The emergency nurse has had specialized education, training, and experience to gain expertise in assessing and identifying patients' health care problems in crisis situations.
·        In addition, the emergency nurse establishes priorities, monitors and continuously assesses acutely ill and injured patients, supports and attends to families, supervises allied health personnel, and teaches patients and families within a time limited, high-pressured care environment.
·        Nursing interventions are accomplished interdependently, in consultation with or under the direction of a licensed physician or nurse practitioner 

·        Emergency management is the managerial function charged with creating the framework within which communities reduce vulnerability to haards and cope with disasters.
·        The term emergency management traditionally refers to care given to patients with urgent and critical needs.
emergency management seeks to promote safer, less vulnerable communities with the capacity to cope with hazards and disasters
Emergency management protects communities by coordinating and integrating all activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the capability to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.  
Emergency department environment
Characterized by:
·        Rapid change
·        Multispecialty care
·        Crowded,
·        noisy conditions
·        Crucial communications with ambulance, staff, helicopter personnel
·        Complex age and demographic range of clients
Interdisciplinary Team: Members
·        Prehospital care providers
·        Emergency medicine physician
·        Emergency medical technicians
·        Support staff
·        Paramedics
·        Inpatient unit staff
  Emergency Nursing Special Considerations
·        Client identification
·        Client safe from falls and skin breakdown
·        Risk for errors and adverse events
·        Precautions to protect the personal safety of emergency department staff
 Emergency care: Emergency care can be defined as the episodic and crisis-oriented care provided to patients with serious or potentially life-threatening injuries or illnesses

Principles of Emergency management are:
1.     Comprehensive - emergency managers consider and take into account all hazards, all phases, all stakeholders and all impacts relèvant to disasters.
2.     Progressive : emergency managers anticipate future disasters and take preventive and preparatory measures to build disaster-resistant and disaster-resilient communities
3.     Risk-driven: emergency managers use sound risk management principles (hazard identification, risk analysis, and impact analysis) in assigning priorities and resources.
4.     Integrated : emergency managers ensure unity of effort among all levels of government and all elements of a community
5.     Collaborative : emergency managers create and sustain broad and sincere relationships among individuals and organizations to encourage trust, advocate a team atmosphere, build consensus, and facilitate communication.
6.     Coordinated: emergency managers synchronize the activities of all relevant stakeholders to achieve a common purpose
7.     Flexible: emergency managers use creative and innovative approaches in solving disaster challenges.
8.     Professional: emergency managers value a science and knowledge-based approach based on education, training, experience, ethical-praclice,public stewardship and continuous improvement.



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notes.nursium.com: Emergency nursing concept, scope, vision, mission, team, principles of its management
Emergency nursing concept, scope, vision, mission, team, principles of its management
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