Functions of Frontal Lobe = PIMS
P - personality
I - intelligence
M - memory
S - speech
Errors of Refraction = My Cave is Far from Vex
MYopia, conCAVE lens; FAR sightedness (hyperopia), conVEX lens
Eye Accommodation = FaD Flat NeC Bulge
FAr Vision -- ciliary muscle Dilates; lens FLATtens
NEar Vision -- ciliary muscle
Constricts; lens BULGEs
Warning Signs of Cancer = CAUTION
C - change in bowel/bladder patterns
A - a sore that doesn't heal
U - unexplained weight loss, anemia,
T - thickening of lump
I - indigestion
O - obvious change in wart/mole
N - nagging cough
Sickle Cell Anemia Management = HOP
H - hydration
O - oxygen
P - pain medications
Blood Transfusion Problems = HAPCATCH
H - hemolytic reaction
A - allergic reaction
P - pyrogenic reaction
C - citrate reaction
A - air embolism
T - thrombocytopenia
C - circulatory overload
H - hyperkalemia
# of Bones and Muscles = #s 2, 0 6
# of Muscles - 620
# of Bones (Child) - 260
# of Bones (Adult) - 206
Femoral Fracture = TENI - Trochanter Extracapsular, Neck
CPR Priority = CAB - Compression, Airway, Breathing
Celiac Disease Contraindications = BROW - Barley, Rye, Oat, Wheat
Glaucoma = AICO - Acute Imbalance Chronic Obstruction
Cellular Ions = PISO - Potassium Inside Sodium Outside (thank you jb abad)
Heart Valves = LABRAT - Left Atrium Bicuspid, Right Atrium Tricuspid
Levels of Consciousness = ACLOSC - Alert, Confused, Lethargic, Obtunded, Stuporous, Comatose
Hypoglycemia & Hyperglycemia
Cold and clammy need some candy,
Warm and dry sugar high
PLANTar flexion occurs
when you squash a PLANT
(supination) is holding the SOUP up with your palm; POURnation (pronation) is POURing the bowl of soup with
your palm
Stages of Grief = DABDA - Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
ADEK - four fat-soluble vitains
Drugs contraindicated for G6PD
Deficiency = AAA - Antibiotics, Antimalarials, Antipyretics
Cardinal signs for tetralogy of
fallot = DROP - ventricular septal Defect, Right ventricular hypertrophy, Overriding aorta, Pulmonary stenosis
Cell Cycle Stages (for cancer drugs)
= "Go Sally Go! Make Children!" G1 phase, SG2 phase, Mitosis, Cytokinesis phase,
Hypersensitivity Reactions = ACID - Anaphylactic
(Type I), Cytotoxic (Type
II), Immune complex (Type
III), Delayed (Type IV)
Pain Assessment = OLDCART - Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristic, Aggravating factor, Relieving factor, Treatment
CVS (Chorionic Villi Sampling) -
"Chorionic" has 9 letters and is measured during 9th week
Amniocentesis - measures
alphafetoprotein - "alphafetoprotein" has 16 letters and is measures
during the 16th week
Blue Bloater Bronchitis; Pink Puffer emPhysema
Congenital CYANOTIC Heart Diseases = 4 T's - Truncus arteriosus, Tricuspid atresia, Transposition of great
arteries, Tetralogy of
Pediatric Milestones = 1234
1 year - 1 word said
2 years - 2 step commands
3 years - rides TRIcycle
4 years - draws SQUARE
drugs ending with "olol"
are Beta Blockers - stick "o" and "l" together to make an
inverted "b", flip them together to get "bb" which stands
for Beta Blockers
Anti-TB drugs = RIPES - Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol, Streptomycin
"You have 1 HEART and 2
LUNGS" - Beta 1 receptors affect the heart, Beta 2 affect the lungs
"You have 1 NOSE and 2
EYES" - Cranial Nerve 1 Olfactory, Cranial Nerve 2 Optic
Heart Conduction Pathway = "SAVe HIS KIN" - SA node, AV node, bundle of HIS, purKINje fibers
Pituitary Hormones = FLAGTOP - FSH, LH, ADH, GH, TSH, Oxytocin, Prolactin
Compartment Syndrome = 5 P's - Pain, Palor, Pulselessness, Paresthesia, Pressure
Language Areas: language IN, letter
"I", wernIcke's area; language OUT, letter "O", brOca's