■ Imbalance nutrition: more than body requirements
■ Readiness for enhanced nutrition
■ Readiness for enhanced selfconcept
■ Risk for constipation
■ Risk for impaired skin integrity
■ Situational low self-esteem
■ Stress urinary incontinence
Obsessive–compulsive disorder
■ Anxiety
■ Decisional conflict
■ Disturbed personal identity
■ Impaired home maintenance
■ Ineffective coping
■ Ineffective denial
■ Insomnia
■ Risk for impaired religiosity
Risk for injury
Risk for suicide
Sleep deprivation
Social isolation
Organic brain syndrome
■ Adult failure to thrive
■ Risk for deficient fluid volume
■ Activity intolerance
■ Acute pain
■ Compromised family coping
■ Deficient knowledge (specify)
■ Disturbed body image
■ Dressing or grooming selfcare deficit
■ Health-seeking behaviors
■ Imbalance nutrition: more than body requirements
■ Impaired home maintenance
■ Impaired physical mobility
■ Ineffective health maintenance
■ Risk for falls
■ Risk for injury
■ Situational low self-esteem
■ Acute pain
■ Disturbed body image
■ Impaired physical mobility
■ Impaired skin integrity
■ Ineffective coping
■ Ineffective tissue perfusion
■ Risk for infection
■ Risk for injury
■ Risk for injury
■ Deficient knowledge (specify)
■ Disturbed body image
■ Fear
■ Ineffective denial
■ Ineffective sexuality patterns
■ Loneliness
■ Powerlessness
■ Risk for falls
■ Risk for injury
■ Risk for trauma
Social isolation
Ovarian cancer
■ Constipation
■ Death anxiety
■ Fear
■ Grieving
■ Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
■ Impaired tissue integrity
■ Nausea
■ Powerlessness
■ Readiness for enhanced hope
■ Risk for falls
■ Spiritual distress
■ Urinary retention
Panic disorder
■ Anxiety
■ Chronic low self-esteem
■ Deficient knowledge (specify)
■ Fear
■ Ineffective coping
■ Insomnia
■ Powerlessness
■ Risk for posttrauma syndrome
■ Sleep deprivation
■ Bowel incontinence
■ Caregiver role strain
■ Complicated grieving
■ Compromised family coping
■ Hopelessness
■ Impaired physical mobility
■ Impaired skin integrity
■ Ineffective coping
■ Ineffective health maintenance
■ Ineffective role performance
■ Ineffective sexuality patterns
■ Powerlessness
■ Reflex urinary incontinence
■ Risk for caregiver role strain
■ Risk for impaired skin integrity
Parkinson’s disease
■ Activity intolerance
■ Bowel incontinence
■ Bowel incontinence
■ Chronic low self-esteem
Compromised family coping
Compromised family coping
Death anxiety
Deficient knowledge (specify)
■ Disturbed body image
■ Disturbed body image
■ Disturbed sensory perception
■ Feeding self-care deficit
■ Grieving
■ Hopelessness
■ Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
■ Impaired home maintenance
■ Impaired physical mobility
■ Ineffective breathing pattern
■ Ineffective coping
■ Ineffective health maintenance
■ Ineffective role performance
■ Ineffective sexuality patterns
■ Ineffective therapeutic regimen management
■ Powerlessness
■ Readiness for enhanced therapeutic regimen management
■ Readiness for enhanced therapeutic regimen management
■ Risk for aspiration
■ Risk for caregiver role strain
■ Risk for compromised human dignity
■ Risk for injury
■ Risk for loneliness
■ Risk for urge urinary incontinence
■ Social isolation
Passive–aggressive personality disorder
■ Anxiety
■ Disturbed personal identity
■ Fear
■ Ineffective coping
Pelvic inflammatory disease
■ Acute pain
■ Deficient fluid volume
■ Sexual dysfunction
■ Sexual dysfunction
■ Activity intolerance
■ Acute pain
■ Anxiety
Decreased cardiac output
Ineffective tissue perfusion(cardiopulmonary)
Ineffective tissue perfusion(cardiopulmonary)
Perinatal trauma
■ Delayed growth and development
■ Hypothermia
■ Risk for injury
Peripheral vascular disease
■ Activity intolerance
■ Acute pain
■ Deficient diversional activity
■ Deficient knowledge (specify)
■ Impaired physical mobility
■ Impaired skin integrity
■ Impaired tissue integrity
■ Risk for falls
■ Risk for impaired skin integrity
■ Risk for infection
■ Risk for injury
■ Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction
Peritoneal dialysis
■ Defensive coping
■ Deficient fluid volume
■ Deficient knowledge (specify)
■ Disturbed body image
■ Excess fluid volume
■ Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
■ Interrupted family processes
■ Risk for infection
■ Acute pain
■ Anxiety
■ Decreased cardiac output
■ Deficient fluid volume
■ Nausea
■ Risk for infection
Personality disorders
■ Decisional conflict
■ Interrupted family processes
■ Risk for loneliness
■ Risk for self-directed violence
■ Risk for suicide
Sexual dysfunction
Social isolation
Phobic disorder
■ Anxiety
■ Disturbed personal identity
■ Fear
■ Ineffective coping
■ Powerlessness
■ Risk for loneliness ■ Social isolation
Placenta previa
■ Anxiety
■ Fear
■ Ineffective denial
Pleural effusion
■ Acute pain
■ Dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response
■ Hyperthermia
■ Ineffective breathing pattern
■ Risk for infection
■ Acute pain
■ Fatigue
■ Impaired gas exchange
■ Ineffective breathing pattern
■ Bathing or hygiene self-care deficit
■ Deficient fluid volume
■ Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
■ Impaired gas exchange
■ Impaired physical mobility
■ Impaired spontaneous ventilation
■ Impaired verbal communication
■ Ineffective airway clearance
■ Ineffective breathing pattern
■ Ineffective tissue perfusion
■ Readiness for enhanced sleep
■ Risk for aspiration
■ Risk for infection
■ Anxiety
■ Ineffective breathing pattern
■ Fear
■ Impaired gas exchange
■ Acute pain
■ Ineffective tissue perfusion
■ Impaired spontaneous ventilation
■ Contamination
■ Delayed growth and development
■ Disturbed sensory perception (olfactory)
■ Disturbed sensory perception
■ Ineffective tissue perfusion
■ Risk for aspiration
■ Risk for injury
■ Risk for poisoning
Polycystic kidney disease
■ Acute pain
■ Defensive coping
■ Deficient knowledge
■ Ineffective tissue perfusion
■ Interrupted family processes
■ Moral distress
■ Risk for infection
Polycythemia vera
■ Acute pain
■ Disturbed sensory perception
■ Impaired gas exchange
■ Impaired skin integrity
■ Impaired skin integrity
Postpartum hemorrhage
■ Anxiety
■ Deficient fluid volume
■ Ineffective tissue perfusion (cardiopulmonary)
■ Ineffective tissue perfusion (cerebral)
Posttraumatic stress disorder
■ Disturbed sensory perception
■ Disturbed thought processes
■ Hopelessness
■ Posttrauma syndrome
■ Powerlessness
■ Risk for loneliness
■ Risk for posttrauma syndrome
■ Situational low self-esteem
■ Anxiety
■ Deficient knowledge (specify)
■ Impaired individual resiliance
■ Impaired tissue integrity
■ Ineffective coping
■ Ineffective tissue perfusion
■ Interrupted family processes
■ Readiness for enhanced fluid balance
■ Risk for constipation
Premature labor
■ Anxiety
■ Deficient knowledge
■ Effective breast-feeding
■ Impaired parenting
■ Ineffective coping
■ Risk for infection
■ Risk for infection
■ Situational low self-esteem
Premature rupture of membranes
■ Deficient fluid volume
■ Risk for infection
■ Risk for infection
■ Compromised family coping
■ Delayed growth and development
■ Disorganized infant behavior
■ Hypothermia
■ Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
■ Impaired verbal communication
Ineffective breast-feeding Ineffective breathing pattern Ineffective infant feeding pattern
■ Ineffective thermoregulation
■ Interrupted breast-feeding
■ Interrupted breast-feeding
■ Readiness for enhanced parenting
■ Risk for aspiration
■ Risk for delayed development
■ Risk for disorganized infant behavior
■ Risk for impaired parent– infant–child attachment
■ Risk for sudden infant death syndrome
Pressure ulcers
■ Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
■ Impaired physical mobility
■ Impaired skin integrity
■ Impaired tissue integrity
■ Ineffective protection
■ Risk for deficient fluid volume
■ Risk for infection
■ Risk for infection
Prolapsed intervertebral disk
■ Acute pain
■ Impaired physical mobility
■ Reflex urinary incontinence
■ Urinary retention
■ Urinary retention
Prostate cancer
■ Acute pain
■ Chronic sorrow
■ Impaired tissue integrity
■ Sexual dysfunction
■ Urinary retention
■ Urinary retention
■ Disturbed body image
■ Impaired skin integrity
■ Risk for infection
■ Urinary retention
Pseudomembranous colitis
■ Deficient fluid volume
■ Diarrhea
■ Impaired skin integrity
■ Ineffective tissue perfusion(cardiopulmonary)
Ineffective tissue perfusion (GI)
Ineffective tissue perfusion(renal)
Ineffective tissue perfusion(renal)
■ Disturbed body image
■ Impaired skin integrity
■ Powerlessness
■ Risk for imbalanced body temperature
■ Social isolation
Pulmonary edema
■ Activity intolerance
■ Bathing or hygiene self-care deficit
■ Decreased cardiac output
■ Dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response
■ Excess fluid volume
■ Fear
■ Impaired gas exchange
■ Impaired verbal communication
■ Ineffective airway clearance
■ Ineffective breathing pattern
■ Ineffective tissue perfusion
Pulmonary embolus
■ Acute pain
■ Anxiety
■ Activity intolerance
■ Decreased cardiac output
■ Deficient fluid volume
■ Impaired gas exchange
■ Impaired verbal communication
■ Ineffective breathing pattern
■ Risk for decreased cardiac tissue perfusion
■ Acute pain
■ Excess fluid volume
■ Impaired physical mobility
■ Risk for infection
■ Risk for infection
Pyloric stenosis
Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
Risk for aspiration Risk for imbalanced body temperature
Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
Risk for aspiration Risk for imbalanced body temperature