Organ donation
Organ donation is the process of removing tissues or organs from a live, or recently dead, person to be used in another. The former is the donor and the latter is the recipient. People of all ages can become donors.
In organ donation, a person pledges during her/his lifetime, that after death, organ/s from the body can be used for transplantation to help terminally ill patients get a new lease of life. According to the law, the decision eventually rests with the next of kin of the deceased
Donate organ for:-
• Medical dental education
• Research and advancement
• Medical or dental science
• Therapy
• Transplantation
They are living proof that death can bring life, that sorrow can turn to hope, and that terrible loss can become the greatest gift of all
Transplantation of human organs act (THOA), 1994:
Allows organ donation, and legalized the concept of 'brain death'
Brain death is the irreversible and permanent cessation of all brain functions. In situations of brain death, a person cannot sustain his own life, but vital body functions may be maintained in an 'intensive care unit' for a short period of time. Such persons are kept on artificial support to maintain oxygenation of organs so that the organs are in a healthy condition until they are removed. Organs of such patients can be transplanted to terminally ill patients.)
Donations before death:
• Blood
• Kidney
• Liver
Pre-Transplantation Evaluation:
• Blood Type (A, B, AB, and 0)
• Rh factor does not matter
• Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA); antigens on WBC
• Crossmatch
• Serology; for HIV, CMV, hepatitis
• Cardiopulmonary, cancer screening
Recipient Qualification
Most cases &60 years old
Disqualified if:
Recent Ml
Active infection
Substance abuse
Limited life expectancy from unrelated disease
Time Factor & Safe Organ Preservation/transplantation
· Kidneys - 48 hrs
· Pancreas - 24 hrs
· Liver - 12 hrs
· Research on Cryo-preservatives may help to preserve organs for a much longer period
Documents required:
The donor needs to fill a prescribed consent form, which can either be downloaded from the ministry of health and family welfare, government of India ( accessed from the medical facility that is approached for organ removal.
· written consent form
· The potential donor can also approach organ donation agencies for a donor card.