A nebuliser is a form of
drug delivery in which a drug in solution is converted into an aerosol mist by
passing a pressurised gas through it. The drug is then inhaled directly into
the lungs. The drug is deposited in the tracheobronchial region or the alveoli
depending on the size of the particles in the aerosol mist.
Nebulising a drug is a
highly effective method of delivering drugs directly into the lungs, providing
the correct equipment and gas flow is used with the appropriate drug. However,
in certain instances hand held inhalers with a large volume spacer device may
be equally effective e.g. administering bronchodilators.
Nebulised drugs are used
in the following situations:
Patients requiring emergency or high doses
of bronchodilators
Patients unable to use inhalers
Patients with severe chronic airways
A drug which is to be given by the inhaled
route but is not available in inhaler form e.g. Lignocaine or Pentamadine
which are commonly nebulised
E.g. Salbutamol
(Ventolin), Terbutaline (Bricanyl), Ipratropium Bromide (Atrovent). Nebulising
these drugs allow them to be given in acute situations such as asthma
exacerbations, or for patients with chronic respiratory conditions who do not
respond to conventional doses via inhalers.
E.g. Budesonide
(Pulmicort), Flixotide (Fluticasone). Inhaled corticosteriods are considered to
have fewer systemic side effects than oral corticosteroids. They can also be
given in higher doses than if given via an inhaler.
Administered via
nebuliser for topical treatment, which reduces systemic side effects. If
certain antibiotics e.g. pentamidine, colomycin, tobramycin, and gentamycin,
are to be administered, a breath activated open-vent nebuliser should be used,
with an expiratory filter-check with pharmacy. The drug should be given in a separate
room away from staff or other patients. This is to ensure maximum inhalation of
the drug and prevents others inhaling drug which may result in sub therapeutic
dose and resistance.
E.g. Lignocaine and opioids. Occasionally used
in palliative care for treatment of intractable cough and severe
E.g. Sodium chloride 0.9%
hypertonic saline, Dornase alpha (Pulmozyme). These drugs are prescribed to
facilitate expectoration by helping to thin the sputum. They may be used in the
acute setting such as exacerbations of COPD, or in chronic conditions such as
cystic fibrosis.
It is possible to mix
some of these drugs for administration — check manufacturers' instructions for
details. NB maximum volume for nebulisation is 4-5 mls.
of drug to be nebulised
To be effective a
nebuliser should contain between 2 and 4.5 mls of fluid. This is the volume
of most nebulised drug doses therefore
they do not normally require dilution, though the manufacturer's instructions
should be followed-
If dilution is required,
a sterile ampoule of sodium chloride 0.9% should be used for each patient. A
sterile technique should be used to prepare each dose. Water should not be
nebulised as it may cause bronchoconstriction.
In the most common types
of nebulisers, approximately 0.5 mls of the drug remains in the chamber at the
end of the nebulisation (called the residual volume).
of nebulisers
There is a wide range of
compressors and nebuliser chambers commercially available. There are two main
modes of operations:
A driving gas of
compressed air or oxygen is forced through a narrow orifice to create a
negative pressure causing suction of the liquid drug through a supply tube. The
liquid mixed with the gas is blown out as a cloud of particles. As this hits a
baffle (the green cap which fits over the gas delivery spout) the large
particles adhere to the baffle and then fall back into the reservoir of
the liquid drug. The small particles
are suspended in the stream of gas and are inhaled by the patient.
The efficiency of a jet
nebuliser and the size of the particles depend on the construction of the
nebulising chamber and the power of the driving gas.
An aerosol is created by
high frequency sound waves. These nebulisers can produce a higher output than a
jet nebuliser but the particles are larger and are not deposited as far down
the respiratory tract as small particles.
Jet nebulisers are most
commonly used but ultrasonic nebulisers have a role in delivering high humidity
to patients with excess viscous secretions e.g. bronchiectasis.
Ideally, a mouthpiece
should be used during the administration of nebulised drugs because it provides
a direct route of access to the lungs so the drug is not wasted and does not
come into contact with the skin or eyes.
A facemask should be used
only if the patient is very drowsy, disorientated or unable to breathe solely
through the mouth. The face should be washed, and teeth cleaned or mouth rinsed
following administration of the drug to prevent damage to the skin and oral
mucosa. This is particularly important
with steroids, antibiotics or Ipratropium Bromide as these drugs are known to
irritate skin and in the case of ipratropium Bromide, cause disturbances in
Patients with
tracheostomies should receive nebulisers via a tracheostomy mask with a wide
white connector. To prevent skin reactions the skin surrounding the
tracheostomy should be washed and dried
when the drug has been delivered.
Selection of the gas driving the nebuliser
may be given via air or oxygen. The driving gas flow rate is very important and
should be 6-8 L/min. [t is important to take care when selecting which gas to
use. Remember all oxygen should be prescribed.
Patients on 24% or 28%
supplementary oxygen are usually patients who rely on their hypoxic drive for
respiration and it is recommended that patients who rely on hypoxic drive are
not given high flow O2. However, if they are acutely unwell and hypoxic it may
be appropriate to give high flow O2 under the advice of a respiratory expert.
Replace the oxygen mask with nasal cannula with supplementary oxygen flowing at
the same rate% as was provided by the mask/nasal cannula, then use air to
supply the nebuliser.
NB: It is important to
remember that the rate of oxygen delivery is dependant on the apparatus used
for delivery e.g. l/min is stated on the venturi mask barrel;
All other patients
receiving supplementary oxygen. These patients should receive their nebulisers
using oxygen at a minimum flow of 6 l/min and a maximum of 8 l/min
Patients requiring
nebulisers but not receiving supplementary oxygen. Use air to supply the
Patients receiving non-invasive
ventilation (NIV) should receive nebulisers on air
Air Supply
powered compressors are the preferred source of compressed air, and should be
used when possible, in hospital or in the community. Utilising cylinder or
piped air may have the effect of 'drying out' the solution and thus affecting
the amount of drug deposited in the lungs.
If the
compressors are unavailable, compressed air from cylinders or piped sources
should be used at 6-8 litres per minute.
oxygen from wall or cylinder supply.
Trouble shooting nebulisers
No mist
appears when the gas flow is turned on.
Check if there is
solution in the nebuliser
Check if there is sufficient gas flow
Change the nebufiser as the air inlet hole
inside the chainber is probably blocked
Check the "baffle" is insitu.
The compressor is
switched on but nothing happens.
Check if the compressor is plugged into
the mains
Check if the mains lead is firmly plugged
into the compressor
If still not working contact Medical
The tubing becomes
disconnectedfrom the gas source.
Turn off the gas source
Firmly reconnect the tubing
Restart the nebulisation
The administration is
taking longer than usual.
If using piped gas, is the flow
sufficiently high?
If using a compressor, is the air intake
filters blocked?
An excessive volume of drug solution has
been used
The patient starts to cough violently.
Occasionally nebulised
drugs may cause paradoxical bronchospasm. Stop the administration and reassure
the patient. Inform the doctor.
The drug solution should
always be at room temperature as cool aerosol may cause bronchospasm
and Maintenance of Compressors
All compressors require
regular servicing each year. This is to check electrical connections, change
air filters and ensure the correct flow rate is generated. Within the hospital,
this service is co-ordinated by the Medical Electronics Department but must be
initiated and organised by the ward/department staff.
It is imperative that the
compressor is cleaned using 70% alcohol spray after each patient's use, as
bacterial contamination is a significant risk.
Equipment Required
Appropriate gas source
Gas supply tubing
Mouth piece or face mask
Prescribed drug
Sterile normal saline 0.9% for dilution
Sterile syringe and needle to prepare drug
1. Assemble
equipment using the correct compressor for drug to be given
source must be sufficiently powerful to aerosolise the drug e.g. antibiotics.
2. Check
the prescription. The drug in solution should be at room temperature.
risk of bronchospasm
3. If
using compressor, place on hard surface, but not on the floor
particles may be drawn in.
4. Place
the drug in nebuliser chamber, diluting if necessary according to the
minimum of 2 mls and maximum of 4.5 mls should be used
5. Ensure
patient is in an upright position and the nebuliser is upright.
To maximise lung expansion and drug delivery.
6. Switch
on gas supply. If piped oxygen or air is used, flow rate to be 6-8 1/min.
ensure adequate aerosolising of drug.
7. Encourage
patient to breathe normally, with occasionally deep breathing, and to avoid
most nebulisers, 60-70% of the drug is wasted during the expiratory phase,
unless breath assisted nebulisers are used.
8. The
end-point of nebulisation is when the nebuliser spits intermittently, or when
no further aerosol is delivered. This should be no more than 10 minutes for
of the drug is delivered in the first 5 minutes. Timing is affected by the type
of drug, the volume, and the equipment used.
9. At
the end of nebulisation disconnect the nebuliser from the tubing. Turn on the
compressor for a short period to clear any moisture in the tubing.
are significant potential risks of bacterial contamination if moisture remains
in the tubing.
10. After
each use, unscrew the nebuliser top; separate the nebuliser into three parts,
wash in warm soapy water, and rinse with clean water. Excess water should be
removed with a paper towel. Leave to dry in a clean area.
When reassembling the nebuliser, ensure
the plate component is fully pushed down onto the spigot in the base component
before screwing on the top.
Users must ensure no droplets of water remain
in the nebuliser before re-use.
Never reuse nebulisers designated as single use.Potential
risk of transmission of Legionella bacteria due to poor drying after cleaning.
attention should be paid to the find bore nozzle. If this becomes blocked, the
drug may not aerosolise sufficiently. Replace as appropriate.
11. If
steroids or antibiotics have been nebulised, advise patient to rinse mouth
afterwards, or to wash their face if a mask was used.
build up of drug deposits may cause irritation of the mouth or skin.
12. Change
the nebuliser apparatus:
Every 3 days or
If it becomes contaminated with sputum
If it is not working
ensure clean, functioning equipment is available.
13. In
all aspects of nebulisation, patient education is vital
can improve compliance. Advise the patient that the benefits may not be felt
immediately e.g. with steroids.
14. Document
actions in the patients records.
ongoing evaluation