Introduction –From
the words of James Allen British philosophical writer “Only
by much searching and mining are gold and diamonds obtained, and man can find
every truth connected with his being if he will dig deep into the mine of his
soul.”In such a way only by self awareness a person can understand others and
adjust with them effectively.
Self Awareness
It is the firm understanding and
acceptance of self. According to Campbell Holistic nursing model of self
awareness consists of 4 main inter connected aspects like
Psychological: It means knowing one’s own emotion,
motivations, self concept and personal being. Self awareness means being
sensitive to one’s feelings and the external emotional stressors that affect
Physical: Knowledge of personal and general
physiology, one’s body sensations, one’s body image and physical potential.
Environmental: This includes social environment,
relation with others and to know relation between human and nature.
Philosophical: Knowledge one’s life meaning and
personal philosophy of life.
of self awareness in therapeutic relationship
awareness will allow the nurse to acknowledge a patient’s uniqueness and
of self and others helps nurses effectively to promote self awareness in their
who are aware of self can interact authentically with clients rather than
reacting like pre structured instructions.
feeling of self worth allow her to accept and respect the worth of others.
window is a cognitive psychological tool which helps people in building self
awareness and to maintain good interpersonal relationships. It was designed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 in the United States.
of Johari window
There are four quadrants in johari window. It includes
1- Open/Arena
includes all the behaviours, attitude, feelings, knowledge and experience which
are known to self and others.
Eg: A person who is quick witted and is known to all whom he is
2- Blind Spot
Blind Spot area consists of behaviours, feelings,
knowledge and experience which are known to others but unaware to self.
Eg: A person may be irritating type which is not known to self
but known to others.
3- Hidden/Facade
Hidden/Facade area embrace
behaviours, agenda, fear, secret which is known to self but unknown to others.
One individual’s inner feeling of negative attitude towards a person or idea
can be hidden and kept as private which is unknown to others.
It comprises of behaviours
which is unknown to self and others. This is common mainly in young people and
who lack experience.
Eg: A person’s reaction to any of the
stressful event which is suppressed to subconscious mind which is unknown to
self and others.
of Johari window
1. A
change in any one quadrant will affect all other quadrant
2. The
smaller the first quadrant, the poorer the communication
3. Interpersonal
learning means that a change has taken place so that quadrant 1 is larger and
one or more of the other quadrants are smaller
of self awareness and associating with people
For increased self
awareness one should compete to increase the open area and to decrease the
blind, hidden and unknown areas. It is a self initiated process.
Ø Enlarge
the open area
This is done by
listening to self and analysing self which means allowing oneself to experience
genuine emotions and identifying personal needs. This is possible through
interacting with other individual. Sharing perceptions with others allows the
nurse to gain new information and develop insight.
Ø Reduce
the size of other quadrants
1. It
can be done by listening to and learning from others. For this one should be
open to fee back .This broadens perception of self.
2. Revealing
to others important aspects of oneself. It is the symptom of personality health
and means of achieving healthy personality.
Before giving therapeutic care a nurse must be aware of self then only she can
understand, adjust and guide her clients. As Johari window is a cognitive
psychological tool which helps in self awareness and social adaptation
effective use of this can help individual in better mental health.
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