Inhalation is the act of drawing in
air, vapor or gas in to the lungs. Drugs are inhaled either for
§ a
local effect (steam inhalation) or
§ for
a general effect (inhalation of oxygen& anaesthetics).
Types of Inhalation
1. Dry Inhalation.
2. Moist inhalation
Dry inhalation:
Dry inhalation is the
method of inhaling gas & fumes from volatile drugs (evaporating rapidly) or
burning drugs.
Inhalation of general
Ether, nitrous oxide, chloroform, etc. are given
through a mask.
02 and C02 inhalation:
Administered through a mask, tent, or a catheter.
Inhalation of volatile
Amyl nitrate contained in an ampule is broken and emptied in to a gauze piece
or hand kerchief and is held under the nose of patient, then the patient
inhales the fumes. This is used to relieve pain in angina pectoris (eg..menthol,
aromatic spirit, ammonia, eucalyptus ol
case of aromatic spirit, care should be given that, it neither touches the skin
nor its fumes irritate the eyes. Always keep away from nose and eyes.
Aerosol spray:
An aerosol is a fine suspension of liquid or a powder that deliver medication
tropically in to the respiratory tract. Atomizers and nebulizers are used for
spraying medication in to the respiratory
2. Moist inhalation:
Breathing warm and moist air produced
by a vaporizer is called as moist/steam inhalation. The value of steam
inhalation chiefly in the moisture and heat. Although the medicine are also
helpful as they act as respiratory antiseptics.
Steam inhalation
Breathing warm and moist
air produced by a vaporizer for a local effect is called as moist/steam
Methods of steam
By jug method (Nelson's
Steam tent.
Electric steam inhaler
Purpose of steam inhalation
To relieve the
inflammation and congestion of mucus membrane of the respiratory tract and
paranasal sinuses, thus to produce symptomatic relief in acute cold and
To soften thick,
tenacious, mucus and help its expulsion from the respiratory tract, thus to
relieve cough in bronchitis, post operative cases etc
To provide heat and
moisture to prevent dryness of the mucus membrane of the lungs and upper airway
passage following any surgery.
To relieve the spastic
condition of the larynx and bronchi.
Provide antiseptic action
on respiratory tract (menthol, eucalyptus).
Drugs used for inhalation:
Tr. Benzoin 5ml/500ml of
boiling water.
Eucalyptus 2ml/500ml of
boiling water.
Methyl salicilate, a few
drops per 500ml of boiling water.
Menthol, a few crystals
per 500ml of boiling water
Camphor, a few crystals
per 500ml of boiling water.
Jug method:
In this method, a Nelson's inhaler is used for
inhalation. Boiling water is filled in the jug and patient breathes the vapor.
2. Steam tent:
When a high concentration of steam is required
a steam tent may be used. The steam can be directed in to the tent from the
spout of a kettle. Make a canopy over the client's bed using a woolen blanket.
Steam may be given for 20 to 30 minutes at a time and may repeated in every 4
hours. Care should be given to avoid scalding.
3. Electric steam
electrical vaporizer can be used to give steam inhalation. It consists of small
jar with a heating element. As the water boils, vapor is produced and is
inhaled by the patient
Inhalation By Means Of Nelson's Inhaler:
1. Assessment:
Check Patient's name.
Check the diagnosis.
Check physician's order
for any restrictions.
Assess the level of
Check the articles
2. Equipments:
tray containing
Nelson's inhaler with a
mouth piece tightly fit to the neck of the inhaler.
Bowl or basin large
enough to hold the inhaler.
A flannel or a piece of
towel. ( to wrap around inhaler to prevent heat loss)
Gauze piece( to wrap
around the mouth piece)
Cotton swabs( to plug the
Bath blanket or bath
towel. (to put over the patient head and the jug to prevent the loss of steam.
Face towel.
Inhalant according to
Teaspoon or a minim
glass.(to measure the inhalant)
Kettle with boiling water
Kidney tray
3. Preparation of the patient:
Explain procedure to the
Place the patient in a
fowlers position with a cardiac bed. if the movements are restricted then place
patient in a side lying position.
Provide a sputum cup in
the easy reach of the patient.
Provide a face towel to
the patient to wipe the sweating from face during inhalation.
Close the doors and
windows and put off fan to prevent draught
4. Procedure:
Warm the inhaler by
pouring a little hot water in to the jug and empty it. It helps to maintain a
constant temperature for a longer period.
Pour the required amount
of inhalant in to the inhaler and fill it with 2/3 of hot water. the water
remain just below the spout.(prevent scalds)
Place the mouth piece and
close the jug tightly. See that the mouth piece is in the opposite direction to
the spout.
Cover the mouth piece
with a gauze piece and plug the spout with a cotton ball. (Covering the mouth
piece with a gaze will prevent burns of the lips. Cotton ball in spot will
prevent escape of steam.)
Cover the jug with a
flannel or towel. (To insulate the jug and prevent heat loss
Place the inhaler in the
basin and take it to the bed side without losing time.
Place the apparatus
conveniently in front of the patient with the spout opposite to the patient.(it
reduces the chance of burns)
Remove the cotton plug
and discard it.(helps to keep up the patency of the spout for the
Instruct the patient to place the lips on the mouth piece breath in the steam, and breathe out after removing the lips from the mouthpiece .
Instruct the patient to place the lips on the mouth piece breath in the steam, and breathe out after removing the lips from the mouthpiece .
Alternatively, encourage
the client to breathe through the nostrils.
Cover the patient's bed
and jug with a bath towel or blanket.
Continue the procedure,
15 to 20 minuets
After care
Replace the articles
Return the patient in a
comfortable position.
Record the procedure.