is a normal response of an individual to the loss of a loved object.
Theories of grief
According to Kubler Ross
Stage I: Denial:
In this stage the individual does not
acknowledge that the loss has occurred.
He or she may say, “No, it can’t be true!”
or “It’s just not possible.”
May protect the individual against the
psychological pain of reality.
Stage II: Anger
Sadness, guilt, shame, helplessness, and
Self-blame or blaming of others leading to
The anxiety level may be elevated,
Confusion and a decreased ability to
function independently.
Preoccupied with an idealized image of
what has been lost.
Stage III: Bargaining
The individual attempts to strike a
bargain with God for a second chance, or for more time.
The person acknowledges the loss, or
impending loss, but holds out hope for additional alternatives
Stage IV: Depression
Mourns for that which has been or will be
Individual must confront feelings
associated with having lost.
Stage V: Acceptance
Worked through the behaviors associated
with the other stages
Accepts or has become resigned to the
Anxiety decreases, and methods for coping
with the loss have been established.
According to John Bowlby
Stage I: Numbness or Protest
This stage is characterized
feeling of shock
disbelief that the loss has occurred.
reality of the loss is not acknowledged.
Stage II: Disequilibrium
Desire to recover what has been lost.
A preoccupation with the loss
Intense weeping and expressions of anger
toward the self and others
Feelings of ambivalence and guilt
associated with the loss.
Stage III:
Disorganization and Despair
Despair occur in response to the
realization that the loss has occurred.
Activities of daily living become
Restlessness and aimlessness
Stage IV: Reorganization
The individual accepts the
goals and patterns of organization are established.
The individual begins new relationships
A readiness to move forward by accepting
the loss
Techniques used in grief
Cognitive restructuring- By this technique
person’s irrational thought related to grief is being clarified and thoughts
are being restructured.
writing- This method uses the writing skill of the patient in releasing his
feeling towards the grief process. Person freely writes about the incidences
and feelings associated with it.
playing- Helps in recreating the situation and makes the person to accept the
reality and to choose adaptive coping to the situation.
book- In this the person writes down all the events in a book and recollects
the events. Later person analyses the situation and finds out the better way to
resolve the emotions associated with it.
Maladaptive responses to grief
response-Intense pre occupation with the loss for many years after loss.
or inhibited-During delayed response person will become stagnated in the denial
stage of grief response. This will result in not accepting the reality that
loss had occurred.
In this person gets fixed up in the anger stage which may be turned towards
self. All the emotions experienced are exaggerated than normal.
Nursing interventions
Assess client’s stage in the grief
Develop trust.
Help the client actualize the loss by
talking about it.
Help the client identify and express
Provide client with adequate time to
Be accepting and nonjudgmental when client
expresses anger.
Contact spiritual leader of client’s
choice, if needed.