Comfort: Is a pleasant feeling of being
relaxed and free from pain.
affecting human comfort?
Temperature: The difference between the
temperature of surroundings and the body will have direct influence on body's
gain or loss of heat.
Air speed: Body exposed to a wind pressure
of 20 miles/ hour can lose heat. It is very important during summer to lose
heat to maintain comfort.
High humidity makes it difficult to evaporate perspiration into the air.
Therefore, it affects the rate of loss of body heat by evaporation, which
increases discomfort.
Stress and anxiety: Person preoccupied
with personal problems may not be able to relax.
Therefore, the patient will have continuous
psychological discomfort.
Clothing: It interferes with the ability
to lose heat to the environment. If clothing does not provide enough
insulation, the wearer may feel cold. Therefore, add on layers of clothing if
feeling cold and remove if feeling warm.
Metabolic heat: More physical activity,
more heat is produced. Therefore, increased metabolic
rate increases heat production.
Pillow: A rectangular cloth bag stuffed
with cotton, foam, rubber, feather etc. is used to support head, neck, arms,
legs and back to add comfort to the patient. Skillful arrangement of pillow to
support the normal anatomical groove will prevent strain and fatigue.
Back rest: A device that provides support
to the back in sitting position which may be either adjustable bed or
adjustable back rest.
Trochanter rolls: These are made of
rolling bath towel or bath blanket into such a shape that keeps the axis
parallel to the articulating surface so the axis can remain stationary, thus
enhancing support.
Foot rest: A wooden block or board that
provides support to the foot prevents foot drop. Keeping the foot in correct
angle would prevent fatigue.
Sand bags: A sack or bag filled with sand
can be made into various sizes. It is used to immobilize a part and relieve
Air cushion: An inflatable cushion. It
shifts off body weight and relieves pressure on certain part of the body. E.g.:
Cotton rings: Small cotton rings are made
to relieve pressure from certain Darts of the body.
e.g. elbow and heels
Air or water mattress: Inflammable air or
water mattress, which relieves pressure from the body prominences and equalizes
the pressure to a certain extent while lying on it.
Cardiac table: Cardiac table either made
up of iron or wood may be placed over the head bed or rolled over the bed. It
is used when patient want to sit and lean forward. It may be used for the
patient to take his food in bed itself.