Individual psychotherapy is a method of bringing about
change in a person by exploring his or her feelings, attitudes, thinking, and
The Treatment of
emotional or related bodily problems by psychological means. It is a process of
helping a distressed person, which aims at facilitating a change in his
feelings, attitudes and behavior by means of verbal and emotional
communication. Therapy is conducted on a one to one basis, that is the
therapist treats one patient at a time. Helps to understand themselves and
their behavior
Make personal changes
Improve interpersonal relationships
Get relief from emotional pain or unhappiness
Stress related disorders
Alcohol and drug dependence
Sexual disorders
Marital disharmony
Therapy Process
The patient is encouraged to discover for
himself the reasons for his behavior
The therapist listens to the patient and offers
explanation and advice when necessary
Patient come to a greater understanding of self and to find a way of
dealing with his problems
The phases includes introduction, working, and
Psychodynamic therapy: based on psychoanalytic
theory; when a patient has insight in to early relationships and experiences as
the source of his or her problems they can be solved
Humanistic therapy: focuses on helping the
patient to explore and his or her own feelings and choices
Behavior therapy: emphasizes the principles of
learning with positive or negative reinforcement and observational modeling
Cognitive therapy: focuses on identifying and
correcting distorted thinking pattern that can lead to emotional distress and
problem behaviors
Removing, modifying or retarding existing
Changing disturbed patterns of behavior.
Promoting positive personality growth and
Finding out causes for emotional problems. Environmental manipulation
To improve IPR.
Types of psychotherapy
Depth of probing into the unconscious mind.
Superficial / Short term / Supportive
Deep / Long term / Analysis
No of Patients Treated
Purpose of which it is given
Supportive or Guidance
Re - Constructive
Re Build
A. Ventilation
It is the process of allowing the release of bottled
emotions. It helps to express the suppressed emotions.Patient is allowed to
talk whatever comes into his mind.
B. Abreaction
It is a process of exploring a repressed emotions. Example:
'ok', than what happened?
C. Reassurance
Supportive approach.Example: "you do not have a serious
problem. I am confident that you ill get well”
D. Explanation
Explanations are provided to remove misconceptions and to
provide proper understanding of a problem.
E. Suggestion
Suggestion is a process by which symptoms relief is achieved
through positive statements made with a degree of firmness and authority.
F. Persuasion
Persuasion is a procedure in which therapist urges the
patient repeatedly to change his behavior or to try new methods of dealing with
his problem.
G. Reinforcement
Reinforcement or rewards are potent methods to enhance the
desired behavior.They can be verbal or material in nature.
H. Recreation
It helps to break the monotony of work. It is essentially
required for the patients who have developed emotional problems as a result of
having to perform monotonous and hard work.
I. Work as therapy
When a person engages in work his preoccupation with
emotional problems decreases..
It enhances self- esteem, and helps to resolve conflicts in
many circumstances.
J. Relaxation
It is especially
useful for the anxious individual. It is an effective intervention for many
psychosomatic problems like, HT, PUD, BA and migraine.
Example: yoga and asanas.