Risk factors for UTI:
- Poor urine flow
- previous proved or suspected UTI
- Recurrent fever of unknown origin
- Antenatally diagnosed renal abnormality
- Family history of vesico-uretic reflux
- Constipation
-Dysfunctional voiding
- Enlarged bladder
- Abdominal mass
-Evidence of spinal lesion
-Poor growth high blood pressure
Symptoms and signs:
1. Age < 3:
1. Age < 3:
Most common: fever, vomiting, lethargy, irritability
Less common:poor feeding, failure to thrive
Least common: abdominal pain, jaundice, haematuria, offensive urine
2. Age > 3:
Most common: fever
Less common: abdominal pain, loin tenderness,vomiting,poor feeding
Least common: lethargy, irritability, haematite's, offensive urine, failure to thrive
Urine sampling:
- a clean catch sample should be obtained
- a clean catch sample should be obtained
- if not possible
> use non invasive method i.e urine collection pad
>don't use cotton wool balls, gauze or sanitary towels
- if non invasive method not possible: use catheter
- specific urinary symptoms
- urine for urgent culture and sensitivity
- start antibiotic treatment.