Perinatal Morbidity
It implies major illness of the neonate from birth to first
four weeks of life. Important causes of morbidity are due to
(a) Prematurity and low birth weight
(b) Birth asphyxia and birth trauma
(c)Congenital malformations.
Perinatal Mortality definition: Perinatal mortality defined as
deaths among fetuses weighing 1000 g or more at birth (28 weeks gestation) who
die before or during delivery or within the first 7 days of delivery. The
perinatal mortality rate is expressed in terms of such death per 1000 total
Predisposing factors
Epidemiological: Age over 35 years, Teenagers, Parity above 5, Low
socioeconomic condition Poor maternal nutritional status.
Medical disorders: Anemia, Diabetes, Hypertension, Malaria, Syphilis.
Obstetric complications: Antepartum hemorrhage, Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia,Rh-isoimmunization,
cervical incompetence.
Complications of labour: Dystocia from disproportion, malpresentation, abnormal
uterine action; premature-rupture of membranes.
Feto-placental factors: Multiple pregnancy, congenital malformation,
intrauterine growth restriction, low birth weight, preterm labor, preterm
rupture of membrane.
Causes of Perinatal mortality
Infections: sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, neonatal tetanus,
congenital syphilis.
Birth asphyxia, trauma, hypothermia, Preterm birth, low birth
weight, Congenital malformation.
Prevention of
perinatal mortality
Pre-pregnancy health care and counseling, Genetic counseling,
Regular antenatal care
Detection and management of medical disorders in pregnancy, Screening
of high risk cases Careful monitoring, Skilled birth attendant, Provision of
referral neonatal services Health care education of mother about the care of