To induce muscle relaxation . Since anxiety produces
muscular tension which in turn reinforces anxiety, any relaxation would
decrease anxiety and muscle tension
Methods of relaxation therapy
l. Deep breathing
2. Yoga or meditation
3. Progressive muscle
4. Hypnosis
5. Massage
6. Physical exercise
Deep breathing exercise
Sit, stand or lie in comfortable position
Place one hand in abdomen and the other on chest
Inhale slowly and deeply through nose, abdomen
should be expanding and chest should be moving slightly
Hold breath for few seconds before exhaling
Exhale slowly through mouth purse your lips in
whistling manner
Feel the abdomen deflate as lungs are emptied of
Continue inhale exhale cycle, focus on the sound
and feeling of breathing as we become more and more relaxed
Purpose of yoga is to integrate body, mind,
Yoga has found helpful in relieving stress,
improving physical and psychological wellness
Breathing is major component of yoga. it is
believed that diaphragmatic breathing increases oxygen supply to brain and body
Yoga consist of yogic postures, breath control,
purification and detoxification of body
It control blood flow and strengthen immune
system Meditation
It is a kind of self-discipline that helps one
achieve inner peace and harmony by focusing on one thing at a time
Medical meditation (combination of meditation
and yoga) balances and regenerates spiritual and physical energies, thus
forging a healing alliance in which spirit nurtures body and mind
Jacobson's progressive muscular relaxation
Patient first tenses and then relaxes major muscle group of
the body in a systematic order usually beginning at the top of the body and
then progressing downward
Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy or
hypnotic suggestion, is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus
and concentration
Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a
therapist using verbal repetition and mental images
Under hypnosis, client usually feel calm and
relaxed, and are more open to suggestions.
Hypnosis can be used to help the client gain
control over undesired behaviors or to help to cope better with anxiety or pain
It's important to know that although one is more
open to suggestion during hypnosis, they don't lose control over their
Benefits of Relaxation techniques
Learning how to relax body can help in many other ways than
just reducing stress.
Lowering blood pressure
Slowing your heart rate
Slowing your breathing rate
Reducing the need for oxygen
Increasing blood flow throughout the body
Reducing muscle tension
Practicing and using these relaxation techniques can help
the way the body physically responds to stress
Decreasing physical pain, lower back and
Decreases emotional anger and frustration
More energy
Better concentration
Handling problems well
More efficiently participating in activities of
daily living