nursing assessment involves:
Careful, systematic
evaluation of a patient
Medical, family, social,
cultural, psychological, and occupational history
Examination of the heart
and vascular system.
Cardiovascular assessment should be conducted in an
organized manner.
It begins with an overall
evaluation of the patient, assessing the skin, nails, and extremities for
general signs of circulatory compromise.
Palpating the pulses,
evaluating the major arteries and veins, measuring the blood pressure.
Assessing the heart by palpation and auscultation.
History Collection
Chief Complaint:
Do you ever have chest
pressure, heaviness, or pain?
Do you ever feel
fatigued? Tired?
Swelling in ankles, feet
or hands? How long?
Experience confusion?
Noticed a Bluish tinge to
skin, lips, and mucous membranes?
Experience palpitations?
Experience shortness of
Felt dizzy or have
Any of above adversely
affected your life?
Past Medical History:
v Childhood
and Infectious diseases such as
(a) Rheumatic Fever
(b) Severe Streptococcal Infection
v Major
Illnesses and Hospitalizations
Presence of co-morbidities such as DM, COPD, Kidney
disease, anaemia, Hypertension Stroke, Gout, Thrombophlebitis, bleeding
Medications: Need to
evaluate prescription as well as OTC medications. (Over the counter)
Specific drugs to ask patient about:
• Antihypertensives
• Vasodilators (Nitroglycerine)
• Cardiotonic drugs (Digoxin)
• Anticoagulants
• Bronchodilators
• Contraceptives
.Psychosocial History- Smoking
and Alcohol- amount, duration.
Diet history/Nutrition-
Cholesterol levels, Caffeine. Stress
Exercise Occupation- Past, Present, Job
related stress.
Geographical Location- where one lives
H/o chest pain,
palpitation or dizziness, swelling in the ankles and feet
H/o heart defect,
rheumatic fever or heart surgery
Family h/o hypertension,
H/o smoking, alcohol
Type and amount of
exercise, usual food pattern
Evidence of changes in colour
or temperature of extremities
H/o edema of the lower
Inspection- Inspect
visible pulsation, exaggerated lifts,
Palpate apical impulse, thrills
Begin assessment from base of heart to apex
Observe the neck and precordium (aortic, pulmonic,
tricuspid, apical areas and Erb’s point)
Usually no visible pulsations, except for apical
impulse/ PMI. Observe for dilated neck veins
Simultaneously inspect and palpate the precordium for
abnormal pulsations, lifts, or heaves.
Locate the valve areas of the heart: Locate the angle
of Louis. It is felt as a prominence on the sternum. Move fingertips down each side of the angle until
can feel the second intercostal spaces.
The client's
right second intercostal space is the aortic area, and the left second
intercostal space is the pulmonic area,
Colour- Pallor
colour, best observed at the nail beds, lips and inside the mouth caused by increased
amount of deoxygenated hemoglobin.
Temperature and
Moisture- An extremity that is cooler and drier
than other body surfaces suggest arterial insufficiency.
Inspection of
Nails- Nails should be assessed for colour,
shape and clubbing. Peripheral Vascular Disease can produce nail depression,
pitting, and longitudinal striations.
spoon shaped nail is associated with several conditions, including Raynaud’s
of the fingers accompanies long standing cyanosis and is associated with decreased
Inspection of
upper and lower extremities should be evaluated for Signs and symptoms of acute
and chronic changes due to arterial or venous disorders
Chronic arterial
insufficiency- can over time lead changes such as
uneven hair distribution or hair loss and atrophy of the skin, which becomes smooth,
shiny and thin.
-Severe ischemia of the lower extremity results in varying
degrees of tissue loss, including ulceration or gangrene.
Pre-gangrene signs
can be recognized by a deep cyanosis or purple-black colour that is not affected
by pressure or changes in position.
Redness, thickening and tenderness along a superficial
vein suggest thrombophlebitis. -Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) cannot be confirmed
on physical exam alone, but should be suspected if swelling, pain, and
tenderness appear over a vein.
Homan’s sign:
which is used to test for DVT, involves having the patient quickly dorsiflex the foot while the knee is slightly
flexed. Calf pain is a (+) sign and usually
indicated thrombosis.
lower extremities should be evaluated for Edema which is a sign of increased interstitial
fluid. Bilateral edema of the lower extremities can be a sign of heart failure
or venous insufficiency.
Check for arterial
Carotid artery- Never palpate both sides
simultaneously to avoid a reduction in cerebral blood flow or vagal
Assessment of
jugular veins:
of jugular veins provides information regarding the volume and pressure in the
right side of the heart. The external jugular vein is visible above the clavicle.
Because palpation obliterates the jugular pulse, veins are assessed by visual inspection.
Not usually visible when sitting upright; assessment should be done with the
patient reclining 30-45 degree angle. Use sternal angel as reference point.
Using centimeter ruler, measure the vertical distance between sternal angle and
the point of highest venous pulsation.
Normal value < 3-4cm with Head of bed elevated 30-45 Degrees.
> 4
indicates (a) increased RA {right atrium} or RV {right ventricle} pressure as in
RV failure.
(b)Tricuspid regurgitation or
© Pericordial tamponade
Flat Jugular Vein
- when patient lying down may suggest vascular volume depletion.
Unilateral distension-
may indicate vessel obstruction on that side.
Carotid artery:
sitting or lying supine with 30 degree -Using fingertips gently palpate carotid
arteries one side at a time, comparing rate, rhythm. Auscultate for bruits
(blowing sound).
Do not palpate or massage the carotid arteries
vigorously because carotid sinus is located at the bifurcation of common
carotid artery- cause’s syncope
vibrating sensation. Palpate artery lightly for thrill.
indicative of turbulence-blood flowing under pressure. Place bell of stethoscope over carotid artery
at lateral end of clavicle and posterior margin of sternocleidomastoid muscle
Turn head slightly away from side being examined. Have
patient hold breath, listen for bruits or murmurs
Grading intensity of thrill
Grade 1: barely audible in quite room
Grade 2: clearly audible but quiet
Grade 3: moderately loud
Grade 4: loud
Grade 5: very loud
Grade 6: louder can be heard without stethoscope
Hands should be warm, are used to palpate the
precordium gently, using palmar surface with four fingers. Palpate in a
systematic manner i.e. aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, mitral. Use proximal halves
of the four fingers together and alternate with ball of hand.
PMI {point of maximal impulse} - Ask patient to turn
left side. Check for apical impulse.
Cardiac Auscultation: Anatomical Landmarks of Heart -
each area corresponds to a specific valvular outflow tract.
Aortic area = Right 2nd intercostal space (component
of S2).
Pulmonic area = Left 2nd intercostal space (component
of S2).
Erb’s Point = left 3rd Intercostal space (S1 S2).
PMI/Apical Impulse = 5th Intercostal space, mid
clavicular line (MCL).
Tricuspid or Right Ventricular = Left sternal border
(5th ICS).
Epigastric = just below tip of sternum.
Mitral = at apex of Left Lower Sternal border (5th
Normal heart
sounds: AV valve closure generates the “lubb”
sound (S1).
Closing of the aortic and pulmonic valves is the “dubb” sound (S2).
Use a
systemic approach beginning with the diaphragm of the stethoscope at the apex, moving
to the lower sternal border, and then ascending along the left sternal border
to the right and left base.
Note: Diaphragm of stethoscope detects high pitched
Bell of stethoscope detects low pitched sounds/murmurs.
Heart Sounds: Normal (Lub-dub, Lub-dub). S1 Lub
(Closure of AV Valves at start of systole).
S2 Dub –
(Closure of pulmonic and aortic valves upon end diastole).
3rd Heart Sound – Middle 3rd of diastole.
4th Heart Sound – Atrial.
S1 is the 1st heart sound: produced by closure of the triscupid
and mitral valves and marks the beginning of systole. [Ventricular contraction]
Best heard at the apex and 5th ICS at left sternal border. Corresponds with
upswing of carotid pulse.
more intense in high output states and with mitral valve stenosis.
A decreased intensity occurs in systemic or pulmonary
HTN and valve fibrosis or calcification.
Obesity, emphysema, and excess pericardial fluid can
obscure S1. A varying intensity of S1 suggests severe dysrhythmia or complete
heart block. S1 > S2 at apex.
The second heart sound: is produced by closure of the pulmonic and Aortic
Valves [semi-lunar valves] and marks the beginning of diastole [ventricular filling]
“Dup” shorter and higher pitched than S1. Higher in
pitch and shorter duration than S1. Aortic valve closure is at the 2nd right
ICS and pulmonic valve closure is best heard at the 2nd left ICS.
A decreased intensity of S2 occurs in severe arterial
hypotension and in immobile, thickened, calcified, or stenotic valves. Overlying
tissue, fat, or fluid also mutes S2. S2 > S1 at base.
[Ventricular gallop] – Vibration of the ventricular walls during a rapid
passive filling in early diastole produces the 3rd heart sound (also referred
to as ventricular gallop). Occurs after
closure of semilunar valves. Occurs in early diastole during passive rapid ventricular
filling of ventricles. Best heard with the stethoscope bell at the apex or left
lower sternal border the patient is in left lateral position. S3 immediately
follows S2 (Lub-dupp-a)
An accentuated S3 sound can result from conditions
that cause more rapid filling, including exercise and elevation of the legs, or
any factors that increase the heart rate. S3 is commonly heard in children and young
adults and is considered normal (physiologic S3). In adults > 30, S3 gallop signal left sided heart
S4-Atrial Gallop-
Occurs in late diastole during atrial contraction and
active filling of ventricles [ventricles resistant to filling when almost full].
Heard late diastole just before S2. Auscultated at apex or Sternal border. S4
gallop is caused by loss of ventricular wall compliance from HTN or CAD or from
increased stroke volume in high cardiac output states.
Caused by increased blood flow through valve. Auscultate
mitral, tricuspid, pulmonic, aortic valve area. If murmur occur betweenS1 and
S2 it is systolic murmur. If murmur occur between S2 and next S1-diastolic
murmur. Mitral murmurs best heard at apex.
Crescendo murmur- starts softly and
builds in loudness.
Decrescendo murmur
starts loudly and become less intense.
Inspect the
- Skin of the extremities for colour, temperature,
lesions, venous pattern, scar, pigmentation, ulcer, edema.
Abnormal Findings
- Skin of the
patients with peripheral vascular disease is typically pale and cool, shiny
with brown discolorations and hairless
Palpation of
Peripheral pulses
- Using finger pads of the index and middle fingers
palpate pulses for amplitude of the symmetry
Dorsalis pedis
Posterior tibial
Pulse should be strong and equal bilaterally. Amplitude
can be documented as:
Absent = 0
Weak = 1+
Normal = 2+
Increased = 3+
Bounding = 4+
Abnormal findings:
- Absent, weak, thready pulse
-Bounding pulse
-Asymmetric pulse
Perfusion: Inspect the skin of the hands and
feet for colour, temperature, edema, and skin changes. Assess the adequacy of arterial flow. Inspect the fingernails for changes. Blue lips, earlobes, nail beds –signs of peripheral cyanosis
Assess 5 Ps
Assessing the
arterial blood flow
ü Buerger's
ü Capillary
Refill Test
Buerger's Test
Assist the client to a supine position. Ask the client to raise one leg or one
arm about 30 cm (1 ft.) above heart level, move the foot or hand briskly up and
down for about 1 minute then sit up and
dangle the leg or arm. Observe the time elapsed until return of original colour
and vein filling.
findings: Buerger's test: Original colour returns in 10 seconds; veins in feet
or hands fill in about 15 seconds.
Capillary Refill Test
Squeeze the client's fingernail and toenail between your fingers sufficiently to cause blanching (about 5 seconds). Release the pressure, and observe how quickly normal colour returns. Colour normally returns immediately (less than 2 seconds).
Squeeze the client's fingernail and toenail between your fingers sufficiently to cause blanching (about 5 seconds). Release the pressure, and observe how quickly normal colour returns. Colour normally returns immediately (less than 2 seconds).
Peripheral veins- Inspection
and palpation for varicosities. Dependent
edema around area of feet and ankles is sign of venous insufficiency
Asses for pitting
edema: Use index finger to press firmly for
several seconds and release over medial malleolus. Depression left in skin indicate edema
Lymphatic system
Supine position- palpate area of superficial inguinal
nodes in groin area.
Infection -Enlarged, hardened, tender nodes