Spirituality refers to that part of being
human that seeks meaningfulness through intra-, inter-, and transpersonal
connection (Reed, 1992).
Spirituality generally involves a
belief in a relationship with some higher power, creative force, divine being, or
infinite source of energy.
E.g. A person may believe in "God", "Allah",
and "Lord Jesus"
According to Martsolf & Mickley, 1998,
spirituality includes the following aspects:-
(having purpose, making sense of life)
(having cherished beliefs and standards)
(appreciating a dimension that is beyond
the self)
(relating to others, nature, Ultimate Other)
(which involves reflection, allowing life to unfold, and knowing who one is)
Spiritual health:
"Spiritual health, or spiritual
well-being, is manifested by a feeling of being "generally alive, purposeful, and fulfilled"---Ellison,
Spiritual well being:
According to -Pilch (1998), spiritual
wellness is "a way of living, a lifestyle that views and lives life as purposeful and pleasurable, that
seeks out life-sustaining and life-enriching options to be chosen freely at
every opportunity, and- that sinks its roots. deeply into spiritual values
and/or specific religious beliefs"
People nurture or enhance their
Spirituality in many ways. Some focus on development of the inner self; others
focus on the expression of their spiritual energy with others or the outer
Indicators of spiritual health:
Meaning and purpose in
Achievement of
spiritual world
Feelings of
peacefulness Ability to love
Spiritual distress refers to a
challenge to the spiritual well-being or to the belief system that provides
strength, hope, and meaning to life.
Factors that may be associated with or contribute to a person's
spiritual distress include:-
Physiologic problems
Treatment related
Situational concerns.
Physiologic problems include having a
Medical diagnosis of a
terminal or debilitating disease
Experiencing pain
Experiencing the loss
of a body part or function
Experiencing a
miscarriage or stillbirth.
Treatment related:
Recommendation for
blood transfusions
Amputation of a body
part, or isolation
Situational factors:
Death or illness of a
significant other,
Inability to practice
one's spiritual rituals, or
Feelings of
embarrassment when practicing them
Characteristics of spiritual distress:-
Expresses lack of
hope, meaning and purpose in life, forgiveness of self
Expresses being
abandoned by or having anger toward God
Refuses interaction
with friends, family
Sudden changes in
spiritual practices
Requests to .see a
religious leader
No interest in nature,
reading spiritual literature .
Related concepts:
Concepts related to spirituality
include religion, faith, hope, transcendence, and forgiveness
Religion is an organized system of
beliefs and practices. It offers a way of spiritual expression that provides
guidance for believers in responding to life's questions and challenges.
According to Vardey (1996) the
organized religions offer
(a) A
sense of community bound by common beliefs
(b) The
collective study of scripture (the Bible, Koran, or others)
(c) The
performance of ritual
(d) The
use of disciplines and practices, commandments, and sacraments
(e) Ways
of taking care of the person's spirit (such as fasting, prayer, and meditation)
Religious development of an
individual refers to the acceptance of specific beliefs, values, rules of
conduct, and rituals.
Agnostic is a person who doubts the existence of God or a supreme
being or believes the existence of God has not been proved.
Atheist is one without belief in a God.
Monotheism is the belief in the existence of one God
Polytheism is the belief in more than one god
Faith is to believe in or be committed to something or someone. Faith
gives life meaning, providing the individual with strength in times of
Hope is a concept that incorporates
"A process of anticipation that
involves the interaction of thinking, acting, feeling, and relating, and is
directed toward a future fulfillment that is personally meaningful"----Stephenson
"The capacity to reach out
beyond oneself, to extend oneself beyond personal concerns and to take on
broader life perspectives, activities, and purposes"---Coward (1990)
The concept of forgiveness is
receiving increased attention among health care professionals. For many
clients, illness or disability bring a sense of shame or guilt. Clients facing
imminent death may seek forgiveness from others as well as from God.
Spiritual practices affecting nursing care:
The most common practices affecting
the nursing care of clients include holy days, sacred writings, sacred symbols,
prayer, meditation, and those associated with diet, nutrition, healing, dress,
birth, and death.
Holy Days
A holy day is a day set aside for
special religious observance, and all the world religions observe certain holy
Clients who are devout in their
religious practices may want to avoid any special treatments or other
intrusions on their holy days
E.g. Most Christians observe the Sabbath on
Sunday, whereas Jews and Sabbatarian Christians.
(e.g. Seventh-Day Adventists) observe
Saturday as their Sabbath.
Sacred Writings
Each religion has sacred and
Authorative scriptures that provide guidance for its adherents beliefs and behavior.
People often gain strength and hope from reading religious writings when they
are ill or in crisis.
For example, blood transfusions are
in conflict, with the religious admonitions of Jehovah's Witnesses, Job's
suffering (The Bible)
Sacred Symbols
Sacred symbols include jewelry,
medals, amulets, icons, totems, or body ornamentation (e.g., tattoos) that
carry religious or spiritual significance.
They may be worn to pronounce one's
faith, to remind the practitioner of the faith, to provide Spiritual protection,
or to be a source of comfort or strength E.g. Rosary, mala, or string of prayer
Hospitalized clients or long - term care
residents may wish to have their spiritual icons or statues with them as a
source of comfort.
Prayer and Meditation
Prayer is a spiritual practice. According to
Gill 1987 "human communication with divine and spiritual entities".
Some religions require daily prayers or dictate specific times for prayer and
Meditation is the act of focusing
one's thoughts or engaging in self- reflection or contemplation.
Beliefs Affecting Diet and Nutrition
Many religions have proscriptions regarding
diet. There may be rules about which foods and beverages are allowed and which
are prohibited.
Some solemn religious observances are
marked by fasting, which is the abstinence from food for specified period of time.
Fasting requirements for seriously ill believers for whom fasting may be a
detriment to health (e.g.', diabetic clients)
Beliefs Related to Healing
The nurse needs to assess the
client's beliefs and, if possible, include some aspects of healing that are
part of the client's belief system in the planning of care
Related to Dress
Many religions have laws or
traditions that dictate dress. Orthodox Jewish women cover their hair with a
wig or scarf as a sign of respect
Related to Birth
Many religions have specific ritual
ceremonies that consecrate the new child to God. E.g. naming ceremonies, ritual
circumcision, and baptism).
When nurses are aware of the religious needs
of families and their infants, they can assist amilies in fulfilling their
religious obligations. Important when the newborn infant is seriously ill or in
danger of dying.
Related to Death
Spiritual and religious beliefs play
a significant role in the believer's approach to death just as they do in other
major life events.
Some religions have special rituals
surrounding dying and death that must be observed by the faithful. Observance
of these rituals provides comfort to the dying person and their loved ones.
Assessment Inteview
Are any particular
religious practices important to you? If so, could you please tell me about them.
How will being sick
interfere with your religious practices?
In what ways can I
support your spirit? For example, would you like me to read your prayer book to
Would you like a visit
from your spiritual counselor or the hospital chaplain?
Fear related to
apprehension about soul's future after death and unpreparedness for death
Chronic or Situational
Low Self-Esteem related to failure to live within the precepts of one's faith
Disturbed Sleep
Pattern related to spiritual distress
Ineffective Coping
related to feelings of abandonment, by God and loss of religious faith
Decisional Conflict
related to conflict between treatment plan and religious beliefs Spiritual
Readiness for Enhanced
Spiritual Well-Being
Risk for Spiritual
Impaired Religiosity
Help the client
fulfill religious obligations
Help the client draw
on and use inner resources more effectively to meet the present situation
Help the client
maintain or establish a dynamic, personal relationship with a supreme being in
the face of unpleasant circumstances.
Help the client find
meaning in existence and the present situation.
Promote a sense of
Provide spiritual
Providing presence
Supporting religious
Assisting client with
Referring client for
spiritual counseling