- Do it today or regret tomorrow [Ivatthu madi athava nale pashchathapa padi]
- To shine like the sun, u need to burn like one [Suryananthe belagalu nivu avanantheye uriyabeku]
- When I meet u I found life [Nanu ninna betiyadhaagale nanage jivana sikkithu]
- If I know what love is, it is because of u [Nanage preethi endare enu endhu thilididdhare adhu ninnindha]
- A good day for me is a one with equal joys and sorrows [Samanaadha sukha dukhagalindha koodidha dhinave nanna palina olleya dina]
- The most important thing in my trust is u [Nanna nambikeyalliruva mukyavadha vishaya neenu]
- I believe in hate at first sight [Naanu modhala notadha dweshwannu nambutthene]
- If I get jealous then yes I really like you [Nanage ninna mele asuye bandhare, Houdhu nanage ninu nijavaglu ishta]
- If you fall, I’ll be there [Neenu biddhare, Naanirutthene]
- Life is better when I’m drunk [Nanu kudidhaga jivana Utthamavagirutthadhe]
- The first duty of love is to listen [Aalisuvudhu Preethiya modala karthavya]
- I can and I will. Watch me [Nanu madaballe matthu madutthene, Nodutthiri]
- The soul is a dream flower, That opens only in life [Athma ondhu kanasina kusuma, adu jivanadhalli maathra aralutthade]
- Close your eyes, clear your heart let it go [Kannu mucchi, Hrudhaya kaaliyagittu kolli,,hogalu bidi]
- Life is short, make fun of it. [Jivana chikkadhu, maja udaysi]
- Nobody can teach me who I am [Nanu yarendhu nanage yaaroo kalisalagadhu]
- Take a chance and don’t ever look back Success is the best revenge for anything [Avakasha tegedukondu endigu hindirugi nodabedi, Yashassu elladakku thakka utthara]
- Don’t ask what the meaning of life is, you define it.[Jivanadha artha kelabedi, nive vivarisi]